You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about them. Aft

admin2019-03-10  5

问题 You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Improvements to Dormitory Kitchens
I am writing to urge the university to make the following improvements to dormitory kitchens. First, the kitchen really needs another refrigerator. With just one refrigerator, there simply is not enough room for everyone to store even a small amount of food. Second, there should be a sign-up sheet in the kitchen for when people plan to be cooking. As it is now, there are always arguments because too many people want to fix food at the same time. If both ideas are adopted, the present situation might become a little more bearable.
Now hear a conversation between two students.
Question: The man expresses his opinion toward the student’s proposal of adding a new refrigerator and making sign-up sheets for kitchen usage. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
W: Lewis, did you see the letter in the paper about how to improve the dorm kitchens?
M: Yeah, and I think it’s all wrong.
W: Really? I thought the guy had a point.
M: True. But the solutions this guy suggests just won’t work. The kitchens are small already.
There just isn’t room for another fridge. If you add another one, you’d have to do the cooking elsewhere, which is just more inconvenience all over again.
W: Oh, yeah. I haven’t thought of that.
M: As for the sign-up sheet, it won’t work either. I mean can you plan when you’re going to get hungry? You get hungry, then you cook. Who knows when that’s going to happen? Besides, most of us study late and need something ready to eat. We don’t really cook. We just make a sandwich or mix hot water with instant noodles. Are we supposed to sign up for little stuff like that now? Like we all agree: the kitchens are busy and crowded, and students have different schedules of dining. The solution won’t work out.


答案A letter from a student suggests the school improve the kitchen of the dormitory by adding another refrigerator and also allowing students to sign up sheets for the use of the kitchen, because students always fight over for the kitchen usage. The man disagrees with this proposal for two reasons. First, he points out that the kitchens are already small. Putting in a second fridge will make the room even less spacious. If the kitchen does not have enough room, simple cooking becomes a hardship. He also says that a sign-up sheet is useless because no one can plan when he’s going to be hungry. Besides, most students study very late and they want to eat easy and quick items like sandwiches and instant noodles. So students don’t need to sign up for the usage of the kitchen. Therefore, while the man agrees that the kitchens have problems, he does not think the "solutions" solve anything.

解析     通过阅读短文,我们知道有一位同学建议在宿舍厨房里增加一台冰箱,同时要求同学们列好自己的做饭时间。这是文章的主要内容,带入模版即可。
