
admin2013-10-08  30

问题     人生是什么?人生的真相如何?人生的意义何在?人生的目的是何?这些人生最重大最中心的问题,不只是古来一切大宗教家哲学家所殚精竭虑以求解答的。世界上第一流的大诗人凝神冥想,深入灵魂的幽邃,或纵身大化中,于一朵花中窥见天国.一滴露水参悟生命。然后用他们生花之笔.幻现层层世界,幕幕人生,归根也不外乎启示这生命的真相与意义。宗教家对这些问题的方法与态度是预言的说教的,哲学家是解释的说明的,诗人文豪是表现的启示的。


答案 What is life? What are the true nature, meaning and purpose of life? Since ancient times, scholars of religion and great philosophers have strained their energy and intellect to the limit for an answer to these crucial and central questions in life. But they are not alone. The best poets in the world have done the same by contemplating and pondering over the questions, delving into the depth of their souls. They envision Paradise through a flower and the meaning of life in a dewdrop. They, with their gifted words, picture a kaleidoscopic world and acts of the life drama. In the final analysis, their words serve no other purpose than revealing the truth and meaning of life.

解析 1.本文开头用四个连续的排比疑问句,其中后三句分别问人生的真相,意义和目的,翻译时可将这三个方面合译,这样译文更简洁流畅,故译为What are the true nature,meaning and purpose of life?
2.“殚精竭虑”意为“用心精力,费尽心思”,故译作strain energy and intellect to the limit。
3.“深入灵魂的幽邃”此处实指“深入灵魂的深处”故译作delve into the depth of their souls。
5.“生花之笔”实际应指诗人们笔下所写的,故不宜译作gifted pens,而应译作gifted words。
