
admin2012-04-23  54

问题 多极化趋势正在全球范围内继续发展。各种重要力量相互依存,相互制约,相互合作,有利于世界的和平与稳定。全球有近二百个国家。国家不论大小、贫富、强弱,都是国际大家庭的平等成员。世界和平要靠各国人民的共同努力。世界事务应由世界各国共同参与。我们生活在一个丰富多彩的世界。世界各国无论社会制度、价值观念和发展水平,还是历史传统、宗教信仰和文化背景,都存在着差别。


答案The trend toward multi-polarity① continues to gain momentum throughout the world. The interdependency, constraints and cooperation②amongst various major forces are conducive to③world peace and stability. The world now has some 200 countries, and all, large or small, rich or poor, strong or weak, are equal members of the international community. Maintaining world peace requires the joint efforts of the people from all countries, and world affairs must be jointly managed by all the people. We live in a diversified④ world with a kaleidoscope of social systems, values, levels of development, historical traditions, religions, beliefs and cultural backgrounds.

解析     ①“多极化”常译作multi-polarity,“多极化趋势”一般用the trend toward multi-polarity表述。
    ②“相互依存、相互制约、相互合作”高度概括了当今世界政治力量之间你中有我、我中有你的关系。汉语“相互通常译作mutual或直接在单词前加上前缀“inter-”,如mutual benefit, interindependency。
    ③原文正式,所以用具有正式语体特色的短语be conducive to译“有利于”,其中的to是介词。
    ④此处“丰富多彩”实指有很多不同,与下句“存在着差别”虚实相间。译文在选词上颇费心思,用diversified表“虚”,用a kaleidoscope of落“实”。
