Eight Egyptian museum officials are to face a disciplinary tribunal for their role in a botched repair job that caused lasting d

admin2022-09-09  44

问题     Eight Egyptian museum officials are to face a disciplinary tribunal for their role in a botched repair job that caused lasting damage to the famed golden burial mask of King Tutankhamen, one of the country’s most prized artifacts, the country’s administrative prosecutor has said.
    The judicial action is the latest step in an embarrassing saga at the state-run Egyptian Museum in Cairo where workers accidentally knocked the beard from the 3,300-year-old artifact as they repaired a light fixture in its display case, and then made things worse by trying to glue it back on.
    Tourists took photos of museum employees as they reattached the blue-and-gold beard using an insoluble epoxy resin that left a visible ring of glue around the edge of the beard. Fears that the damage was irreversible proved unfounded, however, after German experts carefully removed the epoxy and restored the solid gold mask using beeswax, the adhesive used by the ancient Egyptians.
    The mask was returned to public display last month, albeit with some fine scratches caused by improvised earlier attempts to remove the glue stains using a sharp object. In a statement, the administrative prosecution authority, which investigates legal violations involving public servants, accused eight officials, including a former director of the museum and a former head of restoration, of "gross negligence and blatant violation of scientific and professional rules."
    "In an attempt to cover up the damage they inflicted, they used sharp instruments such as scalpels and metal tools to remove traces of the glue on the mask, causing damage and scratches that remain, " the statement said.
    The accused officials have been suspended from their jobs and now face possible dismissal and heavy fines, but they will not go to prison.
    The scratches to the mask will not be visible to most visitors, according to Monica Hanna, an archaeologist and a member of Egypt’s Heritage Task Force, an initiative to protect the nation’s cultural heritage. Ms. Hanna blamed the debacle on declining standards at the 104-year-old museum, which is home to the world’s largest collection of mummies and other Pharaonic antiquities but has become increasingly neglected in recent years.
    "There’s been a shift in the people working there, " she said. "The experienced people have retired and the new ones do not have adequate training."
    Ms. Hanna said part of the collection was set to be shifted to two new museums in the coming years—the Grand Egyptian Museum, an $800 million project under construction near the Giza pyramids, and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, which has been completed but is yet to open to the public.
    The mask of Tutankhamen, an enigmatic young king, was discovered by the British archaeologist Howard Carter at the Valley of the Kings in 1922.It set off a global fascination with Egyptology that became a cornerstone of Egypt’s tourism industry.
    That industry has suffered badly in recent years. In recent months, though, Tutankhamen became the focus of renewed interest after the British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves promoted a tantalizing theory that behind his burial chamber lies the long-sought tomb of Queen Nefertiti.


答案 埃及行政检察官表示,八名博物馆管理人员将面临纪律法庭的审判,因为他们在一次拙劣的修复工作中,对埃及最珍贵的文物之一——著名的图坦卡蒙国王黄金墓葬面具造成了永久性损坏。 这一司法行动是针对一桩发生在开罗埃及国家博物馆令其蒙羞的事件采取的最新措施。在这起事件中,博物馆工作人员在修复陈列柜中的一个灯具时,不慎碰掉了这件拥有3300年历史的黄金面具的胡子,然后还试图用胶剂进行黏合,导致文物受到进一步的破坏。 工作人员使用不溶于水的环氧树脂将金蓝相间的胡子粘回,但在胡须边缘留下一圈肉眼可见的胶状物。游客们把这一幕拍照记录下来。有人担心这种破坏是不可逆的,但事实证明并非如此,德国专家小心翼翼地去除了环氧树脂。并用古埃及人使用的蜂蜡黏合剂修复了黄金面具。 黄金面具已于上月重新回到公众视线,不过最初工作人员仓促地进行修复工作,尝试使用利器去除胶状物,致使面具表面出现一些轻微划痕。负责调查公务员违法行为的行政检察机关发表声明,指控八名管理人员“犯重大过失、公然违反科学和职业准则”,这其中包括一名博物馆前馆长和一名修复工作负责人。 声明称:“为了掩盖对文物造成的损坏,他们使用手术刀和金属工具等利器去除面具上的胶水痕迹,导致面具受损,并在其表面留下了划痕。” 受到指控的官员已被停职,可能面临解雇和巨额罚款,但他们不会入狱。 旨在保护埃及文化遗产的文化遗产工作小组(Heritage Task Force)成员、考古学家莫妮卡.汉娜(Monica Hanna)说,大多数游客不会注意到面具上的划痕。汉娜女士把这次彻底失败的修复工作归咎于不断下降的博物馆文物保护标准。这座博物馆有着104年的历史,是世界上最大的木乃伊和其他法老文物的藏馆,但近年来却越来越疏忽管理。 “在那里工作的人发生了变化。”她说。“有经验的人已经退休,而新员工没有接受过充分培训。” 汉娜女士说,部分藏品在未来几年将转移到两个新的博物馆,即大埃及博物馆(Grand Egyptian Museum)和埃及国家文明博物馆(National Museum of Egyptian Civilization)。其中,预计耗资8亿美元的大埃及博物馆正在吉萨金字塔(Giza pyramids)附近施工建设。而埃及国家文明博物馆已经竣工但未对公众开放。 1922年,英国考古学家霍华德.卡特(Howard Caner)在帝王谷发现了神秘的少年国王图坦卡蒙的面具。它引发了全球对埃及学的狂热兴趣,成为了埃及旅游业的基石。 近年来,埃及旅游业遭受重创。然而,最近几个月里,图坦卡蒙再次成为人们关注的焦点,因为英国埃及学者尼古拉斯.里夫斯(Nicholas Reeves)提出了一个十分吸引人的理论,他认为在图坦卡蒙国王的墓室后面便是人们久寻不得的奈费尔提蒂王后(Queen Nefertiti)墓。

解析     1.第1段由一个长句组成,句中的one of the country’s most prized artifacts“埃及最珍贵的文物之一”是插入语,解释说明了黄金面具的重要性,在翻译时可将这部分提前译出,再用破折号引出“黄金面具”。使译文更为紧凑。
    3.第3段第一句较长,在翻译Tourists took photos of…“游客们把(这_-幕)拍照记录下来”时可将其拆分出来,独立成句。
    4.第4段第二句较长,句中including a former director of the museum and a former head of restoration “包括一名博物馆前馆长和一名修复工作负责人”为插入成分,为了避免译文过于冗长,可将这部分拆分出来,独立成一分句。
    5.第6段be suspended from为固定搭配,意思是to officially prevent somebody from doing their job,going to school,etc. for a time“在一段时间内正式禁止某人工作、上学等”。结合本文语境,可译作“停职”。
    6.第10段第二句set off为固定搭配,意思是to start a process or series of event“开始一个过程或一系列事件”。此处是说图坦卡蒙的面具的发现使得全球开始了对埃及学的狂热兴趣,可稍微调整用词,译作“引发”,这与“狂热兴趣”搭配更为合适。
