And I want beauty in my life. I have seen beauty in a sunset and in the spring woods and in the eyes of divers women, but now th

admin2019-03-20  58

问题 And I want beauty in my life. I have seen beauty in a sunset and in the spring woods and in the eyes of divers women, but now these happy accidents of light and color no longer thrill me. And I want beauty in my life itself, rather than in such chances as befall it. It seems to me that many actions of my life were beautiful, very long ago, when I was young in an evanished world of friendly girls, who were all more lovely than any girl is nowadays. For women now are merely more or less good-looking, and as I know, their looks when at their best have been painstakingly enhanced and edited. But I would like this life which moves and yearns in me, to be able itself to attain to comeliness, though but in transitory performance. The life of a butterfly, for example, is just a graceful gesture: and yet, in that its loveliness is complete and perfectly rounded in itself, I envy this bright flicker through existence. And the nearest I can come to my ideal is punctiliously to pay my bills, be polite to my wife, and contribute to deserving charities: and the program does not seem, somehow, quite adequate. There are my books, I know; and there is beauty "embalmed and treasured up" in many pages of my books, and in the books of other persons, too, which I may read at will: but this desire inborn in me is not to be satiated by making marks upon paper, nor by deciphering them. In short, I am enamored of that flawless beauty of which all poets have perturbedly divined the existence somewhere, and which life as men know it simply does not afford nor anywhere foresee.(40 points)


答案 我希望我的生活里有美的身影。我曾经在夕阳西下时发现了美,在春天的树林里发现了美,在形形色色的女人眼中发现了美,但现在这些光怪陆离的艳遇不再给我以心灵一颤。我想要的是生命本身的美,而不是像这样需要上天赐福。很久以前,在那个消逝的世界里,好像以前我生命中的各色活动中也充满着美,那时我还很年轻,许多女孩子不仅友善可亲而且比现在的女孩子漂亮多了。现在的女人们只是凑合着还有几分姿色,而且据我所知,她们为了漂亮已经煞费苦心地涂抹了好几层胭脂香粉。但我希望在我心中涌动和希冀的生命可以绽放出自己的光彩,尽管可能只会昙花一现,但我还是有所希冀。比如,蝴蝶的生命只是一个优雅地身影:但就在这一瞬间,它得以集可爱优美于一身,我很嫉妒它生命中的这一闪烁。对于我理想的生活,我最先想到的就是支付账单要分文不差,要对妻子毕恭毕敬,捐善款还要合乎分寸:而这些还远远不够。我还想到了我的书籍。我知道在我所撰写的书以及随意翻阅他人撰写的书中,充满书香气的美丽就珍藏在厚厚的书页之中。但我与生俱来领略美丽的欲望,并不是说写在书上或是从书中获取知识就可以满足的。简而言之,我醉心于这种完美无缺的美,所有的诗人都曾在字里行间苦心地去憧憬,但在人世间无法获得也无法预见。

