
admin2021-08-19  86

问题     中国粤港澳大湾区致力于打造一个集国际金融中心、航运中心、全球制造中心及领先技术和创新中心于一体的具有全球竞争力的经济生态系统。成功的关键在于建设一条有效的数字高速公路,支持香港、澳门、广东三个司法管辖区和11个城市之间的信息流,使人员、资本和货物高效流动。在由数字高速公路催生的生态系统中,参与者可以一同重塑粤港澳大湾区内的市场格局。有迹象表明,监管和法律框架也正在朝着对生态系统更友好的环境迈进。技术引领者们意识到日益广泛应用的技术平台能够帮助他们获得新经济生态系统的机遇。适用于粤港澳大湾区不同法规地区的共融应用对接标准有望催生出全新的市场环境,帮助参与者携手向客户提供各种金融服务,而未来的竞争也会以新的面貌浮出水面。


答案 China aims to develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into a globally competitive economic ecosystem that serves as the international finance, shipping and manufacturing center, as well as a leading technology and innovation hub. To achieve this goal, the key is to build an effective digital highway with the capacity to support the information flow among the judicial districts of Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong, and that among the 11 cities, thus securing the efficient flow of people, capital and goods. In the ecosystem created by the digital highway, participants can restore the market landscape of the Greater Bay Area through joint efforts. There are signs showing that the regulatory and legal frameworks are also becoming more eccrfriendly. Technology leaders are now aware of the fact that those increasingly widespread use of technology platforms can help them gain access to new economic ecosystem. And the connecting standards of the cooperative applications applicable to different regulatory areas in the Greater Bay Area are expected to bring forth brand-new market environment, in which participants can jointly provide customers with a variety of financial services. Hence competition will also emerge with a new look. With the cities in the Greater Bay Area becoming increasingly smarter, data can be obtained from a third-party network. Through network information distribution technologies, large amounts of data can be distributed to the ecosystem which is composed of different market participants. What’s more, participants can use AI’s machine learning function to process data and generate predictive analysis on the open information ports in the cloud. These ports generate results by using propensity model, fraud detection algorithms, or risk analysis. Participants can then commercialize the use of the information and gain a foothold in the new era of the digital economy. With huge opportunities behind the massive amounts of work in operation and complicated regulations, Fintech is expected to overcome many existing obstacles and bring the Greater Bay Area toward a brighter future.

解析     第一句话的主语为“中国粤港澳大湾区”,但经过分析可知,这里其实表达的真正含义为“中国致力于将粤港澳大湾区打造成为……”,因此翻译时将主语转换为China,进而以“develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into…”具体指出打造的对象“粤港澳大湾区”,逻辑更清晰。本句中出现了四个“中心”,翻译时为了避免重复,前三个使用center,最后一个使用hub,增加了用词的多样性。
    “共融”修饰“应用”,指的是应用之间的数据融合,故而使用cooperative一词体现“协同的,合作的”之意。“帮助参与者携手向客户提供各种金融服务”这部分是“全新的市场环境”产生的功用,翻译时使用in which引导的定语从句,前后逻辑层次分明。“而未来的竞争也会以新的面貌浮出水面”指催生新的市场环境,向客户提供各种金融服务导致的结果,翻译时使用表示结果的连接词hence单独成句,突出结果,也避免了整句话内容较多造成的理解上的困难。
    结合语境,“粤港澳大湾区的光明未来”蕴藏于“巨大的机遇”之中,所以“海量运营……巨大的机遇”中,作者想要强调的是“机遇”,因此翻译时使用介词with先将huge opportunities引出,突出句子的重点。“给粤港澳……未来”并未直译为bring a brighter future to the Greater:Bay Area而是将the Greater Bay Area处理为了bring的宾语,同时使用to a brighter future,体现出了金融科技推动粤港澳大湾区发展的含义。
