The form may be simple, and the language plain as daylight, but the inner meaning, the latent content, of a masterpiece will not

admin2010-01-18  49

问题    The form may be simple, and the language plain as daylight, but the inner meaning, the latent content, of a masterpiece will not be perceived without a certain imaginative and emotional effort. In this sense, the great artist makes every one of his readers into a philosopher and poet, to a greater or lesser degree, according to that reader’s powers. The novelist of genius, by presenting the particular instance, indicates the general truth. He indicates, but he does not attempt to state it--for to state the general truth is to circumscribe it, to make it less than itself. The final verdict, the ultimate synthesis, must be left to the reader; and each reader will modify it in accordance with his needs. The aggregate of all these individual syntheses is the measure of the impact of a work of art upon the world. It is, in fact, a part of that work. In this way, masterpieces, throughout the ages, actually undergo a sort of organic growth.


答案 名作的形式可能很简单,语言也很平实,但是其内在的含义,潜在的内容不经过想象和情感的投入是无法:了解的。在这种情况下,伟大的艺术家使他的每一位读者或多或少的变成了哲人和诗人,造诣的高下要看各自的悟性。天才的小说家通过描绘特定的事例暗示普遍真理。他只是暗示,并不试图明说——因为真理一旦明说,就会受到限制,含义有所减损。最后的定论,最终的结论,将由读者自己得出;每一位读者会按照各自的需求对结论进行修改。综合每位读者的结论,便可以衡量一部作品对世界的影响是大是小。其实,这是作品的一部分。这样,名作经过岁月的流逝,才能真正地永葆活力。

