忽然发觉,在这个世界上,最珍贵的东西都是免费的。 空气,是免费的。一个人只要活着,就需要源源不断的空气。可从古到今,又有谁为这须臾不可缺少的东西买单?无论是凡夫俗子,还是明星政要,他们一样自由呼吸着充盈天地问的空气。 亲情,是免费的。每一个

admin2012-12-01  82

问题     忽然发觉,在这个世界上,最珍贵的东西都是免费的。


答案 Air is free. Each person needs a continuous supply of fresh air if he is to stay alive and kicking. From the old times to the present, has there been anyone who has ever defrayed his consumption of the indispensable air?! Each person, a nobody or a big shot, is breathing for free the air which covers the earth. Parental love is free. At birth, an infant is adored and taken good care of by parents. An infant grows up in parental love which takes root in the blood veins and requires no payback. None of the parents has ever said to their child, "I won’t love you unless you promise to pay back some day. "And, parental love will not gradually diminish or lessen as the child is growing up or as the parents themselves are getting old and weak. As long as the parents stay alive, their love for their child remains as sincere and unselfish as ever.

