It is the "new frontier", says Japan’s trade ministry. Japanese firms have at last noticed that emerging markets are growing muc

admin2019-08-01  31

问题     It is the "new frontier", says Japan’s trade ministry. Japanese firms have at last noticed that emerging markets are growing much faster than rich ones. And though they were late to the dance, they brought some nifty moves.
    Profits at Japan’s 559 major listed companies surged by 46% in the most recent quarter according to Nikkei, a financial-information provider. That is a fourfold increase from a year ago, and largely due to soaring sales in emerging markets. Many Japanese firms that lost money in 2009 have revived their fortunes by selling to the new global middle class. Strong demand in Asia helped. Sony, an electronics firm, posted a healthy ¥79 billion profit in the most recent quarter, reversing a pretax loss of ¥33 billion a year ago. Its revenue from emerging markets grew by about 40%; sales in Brazil nearly doubled. Shiseido, Japan’s biggest cosmetics maker also opened a factory in Vietnam, where newly prosperous lips are crying for gloss.
    Countries outside North America and Europe will account for 80% of global growth between 2000 and 2050. Western consumers have become more frugal. Japan has been stagnant for two decades and its population is shrinking. Small wonder corporate Japan is looking elsewhere. Its traditional wares are ill-suited for the new frontier. Many are costly, complex and easily undercut by simpler gadgets from South Korea, Taiwan District and China. Japanese firms have long used poor countries merely as production bases and then shipped their products to rich ones. That model no longer works.
    To prosper on the new frontier, Japanese firm must adapt. Panasonic, an electronics firm, is overhauling both its products and its organization. Instead of maintaining strict management divisions by territory, the company now thinks about product lines by temperate and tropical climate zones. Executives from South America visit their peers in Malaysia each quarter to swap ideas.
    Difficulties still lurk. The strong yen—which has gained 14% this year to touch ¥86 for $1—hurts exports. However, it makes mergers and acquisitions cheaper: Japanese firms have spent more than $11 billion on deals in poor countries so far this year, already surpassing the total in 2009. By shifting production abroad and souring locally, Japanese companies can probably cope. Another difficulty is managing a global workforce. Labor unrest forced Toyota and Honda to suspend operations in China this summer. At home workers are so docile that Japanese managers are often unprepared for such spats. So Japanese firms are rushing to hire foreign talents. Relatively low pay for bosses and a lack of English-speaking staff make this hard, but some firms are making progress.
    Having reengineered their products for emerging markets, Japanese firms may now have to shake up their corporate culture. They devolve too little power to local staff and rarely promote non-Japanese to top management. They take decisions slowly, by consensus and after endless memos to head office. To survive in emerging markets corporate Japan must learn to be nimble.
On which of the following would the author most probably agree?

选项 A、All firms of Japan should overhaul its products and its organization.
B、The strong yen is a blessing and curse to Japanese firms.
C、Japanese firms should pay more for their executives, especially the English-speaking ones.
D、It is necessary for Japanese firms to take decisions slowly and consensually.


解析 属信息推断题。选项A犯了以偏概全的逻辑错误,作者并没有表达所有日企都要变革的绝对论断,故选项A错误。选项C犯了偷换概念的逻辑错误,作者在文章第五段末尾只是陈述日企主管工资低的事实,而选项C将客观事实偷换成主观推论,故选项C错误。选项D犯了同选项C同样的逻辑错误,故选项D错误。作者在文章第五段第二、三、四句话陈述了日元给日企发展带来的利弊,故选项B最为贴近作者观点。
