Why do we underestimate the benefits of persistence? It’s because creative challenges feel difficult. 【F1】People often have the

admin2019-08-08  22

问题    Why do we underestimate the benefits of persistence? It’s because creative challenges feel difficult. 【F1】People often have the experience of feeling "stuck", being unsure of how to find a solution, or hitting a wall with one idea and having to start over again.
   Trying hard and failing to make progress on a non-creative task, like an advanced physics problem, may appropriately signal that it’s time to stop working. But creative ideas take time. 【F2】They are often generated after an initial period of thinking deeply about the problem, considering different ways to frame the problem, and exploring different possible solution paths. Consider that Sir James Dyson developed over 5,000 prototypes before he patented his best-selling Dyson vacuum cleaner. Or that Walt Disney animated cartoons for nearly two decades before his first big hit, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
   When creative challenges start to feel difficult, most people lower their expectations about the performance benefits of perseverance, and consequently, underestimate their own ability to generate ideas.
   It’s important to accurately value persistence because our beliefs powerfully regulate our behavior. 【F3】If you do not recognize that persistence is valuable for creativity, you will be less likely to persist when you face your own creative challenges. Our research suggests that workers typically underestimate the benefits of persistence when it comes to being creative. 【F4】In other words, some workers may have creative potential that goes untapped when they decide not to persevere with a challenge.
   Based on our research, we offer two recommendations to avoid this: First, ignore your first instinct to stop. When working on a tough creative challenge, you will likely face a moment when you feel stuck and can’t come up with any more ideas. You’ll first want to quit and spend your time doing something else. Temporarily ignore this instinct, especially if you’re still in the early stages of the work. Try to generate just a few more ideas, or consider just a few more alternatives. You may find that your next creative idea was closer than you imagined. Second, remember that creative problems are supposed to feel difficult. Most involve setbacks, failures, and that "stuck" feeling. It’s part of the process. 【F5】Suppress your instinct to interpret these feelings as a signal that you just aren’t creative or that you’ve run out of good ideas. Reaching your creative potential often takes time, and persistence is critical for seeing a challenge through to the end.



解析 ①本句是一个祈使句,当中包含两个并列同位语从句。②不定式短语to interpret these feelings作中心词instinct的后置定语,说明这是想解读这些感觉的第一反应。interpret…as…意为“断定或猜想某事物的意义或意图”,本句中interpret these feelings as a signal that…可理解为“将这些感觉解读为一种……的信号”。these feelings指代前句中出现的遇到各种挫折、失败和思维卡壳的情况。③that引导了两个并列的同位语从句,修饰说明a signal,说明这是一种怎样的“信号”。
