You are going to read a list of headings and a text about ways to be happier, steadier, and more balanced in boday’s upside-down

admin2014-07-25  37

问题 You are going to read a list of headings and a text about ways to be happier, steadier, and more balanced in boday’s upside-down world. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph(1 — 5). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There are two extra headings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)
[A]Do something impressive
[B]Trust yourself
[C]Change one thing
[D]Stop to refresh
[E]Achieve a balanced diet
[F]Honor your body
[G]Wake up
    Today’s world has us all running madly in every direction. We often feel overwhelmed with what’s before us. We are losing our joy of life; there is precious little fun and almost non-existent downtime in our lives today. We are masters at multi-tasking; we excel at doing. Perhaps, it’s time to rethink the ways we choose to have a life and the ways we choose to fill a life. Is that what you want? Here are five strategies to help you re-find the happiness, steadiness, and balance in your life:
    I don’t mean just "get out of bed or off the couch", but I mean "become m-i-n-d-f-u-1". Happiness studies tell us that being mindful is the number one factor in creating a happy life. If we are mindful, we can enjoy every moment. We are no longer robots or automatons beating down the hours as the days slip by.
    Choose one thing you will do differently. Commit to making that change every day for 30 days. What happens when you commit to yourself and you keep that commitment? You learn to trust yourself. We are very good at giving our word to our boss, our family, and our friends, but what about ourselves? Do we keep our promises to ourselves? Frequently, we do not. Thus, it becomes harder and harder to trust ourselves. If we want to be happier, we need to build up some energetic muscle tone and personal will power. We can achieve this by giving our word to ourselves. No matter how tiny the commitment we make, our faithfulness to ourselves creates a stream of well-being.
    To be happy and balanced, I suggest you allow yourself to re-find your center. May I suggest you take a few deep breath breaks during your day? You will bring yourself back to center, re-oxygenate your body, and tap into the here and now. Take at least one day off a week. Have a full non-work day when you can play, rest, relax, or just be a carefree person with no worries. We all need time to refill the well. If we run consistently, our ideas, energies, and creativity become compromised. Be inventive, and find revivifying ways to nurture your overworked self.
    Do you dance to the oldies in your living room? Do you like to create penguin cupcakes on your day off? Do you find great satisfaction in watering the garden and talking to the birds? What lights us up and turns us on is important. We all know that special and deep memories are helpful in living a happy life.
    It’s time to support our physical selves. Let’s begin slowly and work ourselves up to a more optimum way of being. Create some space and time to treat yourself well. Eat well and sensibly most of the time. Remember to have some protein with breakfast; limit sweets to after a meal; limit caffeine; and choose colorful, whole foods. You and your blood sugar will remain steadier and more stable throughout the day. Move your body in any way that makes you happy; regular physical activity is a definite biochemical boost to happiness and balance.
    Try these five strategies. They are proven techniques with big rewards. They cannot hurt, and they can clearly help.



解析 首句建议重新找到自己的中心,后面具体解释如何做到这一点:每天、每周都要有完全休息的时候,让自己恢复精力。因此[D]概括了该段的主旨:停下来休息,让自己重新恢复精力。[D]中refresh与段中re-find your center,re-oxygenate,refill the well,revivifying语义呼应。
