
admin2019-04-11  98

问题    传统文化的核心价值,如诚实守信、勤俭节约、天人合一、互助互爱、见义勇为等,都需要我们弘扬,但有些与当代价值观相背离的,则需要我们做出正确的评判。因此,取其精华、去其糟粕,古为今用、推陈出新,加强对优秀传统文化思想价值的挖掘与阐发,使之成为鼓舞我们前进的精神力量,仍是教育的重要原则。


答案 Although we need to inherit and carry forward the core values of traditional Chinese culture, such as honesty and integrity, diligence and thrifty, keeping the harmony between man and nature, mutual help and compassion, righteousness and courage, we also need to properly evaluate the ones incompatible with the contemporary values. Therefore, it remains an important principle of education for us to take the essence and discard the dross, make the past serve the present, weed through the old to bring forth the new, further develop and interpret the ideological values from splendid traditional culture, making them the spiritual inspiration for us to move forward. We should emphasize the integration of sinology education with reality, which includes the spirit of the time, social reality, modern life, and scientific progress. Through sinology education, we need to not only develop the ancients’ vision of a prosperous dynasty, but realize today’s Chinese dream as well. The opening sentence of The Analects of Confucius says, " It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practice what you have acquired. " From here we see that Confucius emphasized the integration of learning with application and the consistence of words and actions. A-bout this, he also said, " A man who can recite three hundred pieces of poetry by heart, but who, when the conduct of the affairs of a nation is entrusted to him, can do nothing, and who, when sent on a public mission to a foreign country, has nothing to say for himself—although such a man has much learning, of what use is it?" The separation of learning and application and the inconsistency between words and action is a common problem for the current school moral education. So, to never repeat the same old mistake of separating theory from practice, we should strive to truly reflect in sinology education the standard values of traditional culture education. At present, sinology education and the educational program of reading classic works have both been fairly successful and have greatly improved students’ ability to read and write. However, we still need to further explore how to realize the goal of setting high moral values and cultivating persons in sinology education. I believe that after further study and practice, we will definitely blaze a brand-new trail to better cultivate students’ personality through traditional culture education.

