[A] Don’t fixate on the deal in front of you and ignore alternatives [C] Don’t get hung up on one issue [C] Avoid the ba

admin2021-09-25  13

问题     [A] Don’t fixate on the deal in front of you and ignore alternatives
    [C] Don’t get hung up on one issue
    [C] Avoid the bad strategy of "negotiating by continually conceding"
    [D] Get the help of the best advisors and lawyers.
    [E] Always draft the first version of the agreement
    [F] Keep the negotiations professional and courteous
    [G] Identify who has the final say
    To successfully negotiate a business deal you have to be prepared, observant, professional, and much more. In this article I provide a number of tips for successfully closing a deal.
    【C1】 ________  
    This is also known as the "don’t be a villain rule. " Nobody really wants to do business with a difficult or abusive personality. After all, even after the negotiations are concluded, you may want to do business with this person again, or the transaction may require ongoing involvement with the representative of the other side. Establishing a good long-term relationship should be one of the goals in the negotiation. A collaborative, positive tone in negotiations is more likely to result in progress to a closing.
    【C2】 ________  
    Years ago, a company I was involved with was desperate to sell itself. The CEO was convinced that a certain prospective buyer was the ideal acquirer and he wanted to do the deal with them. But the buyer kept coming up with new unreasonable demands, and the CEO kept giving into those demands in the hopes of getting to a closing. So what did the buyer do? It learned that it could just keep asking for more unreasonable things, and that the CEO would always eventually cave.
    Nine months and $1 million in legal fees later, the company still didn’t have a deal. I then took over the negotiations and told the buyer that we were no longer interested in the terms they had been proposing, and we were walking away unless the price and deal terms got much better for us. By that time, the buyer itself had expended a great deal of legal fees and management time to get to a deal, and they panicked at the prospect of losing the deal. So they closed the deal in 45 days.
    【C3】 ________  
    In many situations you want to have competitive options. This can enhance your negotiating position and allow you to make the best decision as to how to proceed. For example, if you are engaging in a process to sell your company, the best thing you can do is to have several potential bidders at the table. You want to avoid being locked up into exclusive negotiations with one bidder until you have reached a meeting of the minds as to the best price and terms available. Similarly, if you are looking to buy a product, lease office space, or acquire a loan for your business, you will often be better off if you have other choices—and the other party knows it has viable competitors. By negotiating simultaneously with two or more parties, you can often obtain better pricing or contractual terms.
    【C4】 ________  
    You want to understand what kind of authority the other person that you are negotiating with has. Is he or she the ultimate decision-maker? I recently went through a long and fruitless set of negotiations with a person who kept telling me that he didn’t have the authority to agree to a number of points we were negotiating. He could tell me "no" to my requests but didn’t have the ability to tell me "yes. " My solution, because I had leverage, was that I ended the conversation and said that for us to make any progress, I needed to negotiate with the person who was authorized to make decisions and concessions.
    【C5】 ________  
    An absolutely fundamental principle of almost any negotiation is that you or your lawyers should prepare the first draft of the proposed contract. This lets you frame how the deal should be structured, implement key points that you want but haven’t been discussed, and gets momentum on your side. The other party will be reluctant to make extensive changes to your document unless it is absurdly one sided, and therefore you will have already won part of the battle by starting off with your preferred terms. Having said that, you want to avoid starting the negotiations with an agreement that the other side will never agree to. Balance is key here.



解析 在本段中,作者举了自己在一次谈判中谈判对象因权限太低而对很多事情不能拍板的例子,由此表达要在谈判中找到拥有最终决定权的人。
