Vera Perlin Born on 28 November 1902 in St John’s, Newfoundland, Elizabeth Vera Crosbie Perlin is known for her pioneering w

admin2018-08-11  18

问题                         Vera Perlin
   Born on 28 November 1902 in St John’s, Newfoundland, Elizabeth Vera Crosbie Perlin is known for her pioneering work in providing education for children with special needs and developmental challenges. During her lifetime she received several awards, including first person to be named St John’s Citizen of the Year in 1962, Newfoundland Woman of the Century from the National Jewish Council in 1967, Officer of the Order of Canada in 1968, and an Honorary Doctorate of Law from Memorial University in 1970.
   Vera Perlin received her education in St John’s and Toronto. In 1926 she married Albert B. Perlin; they had three children, Ann Elizabeth, John and George. She helped to establish Newfoundland’s first Home and School Association and served on the advisory board of the United Church Orphanage. It was during her tenure on this board that she became aware of the lack of educational facilities for developmentally challenged children.
   " Mrs. Perlin firmly believed that children with a developmental disability should go to school to be nurtured by dedicated teachers who would help them achieve their potential. " In 1954, with the full support of the United Church, she established the first classroom for children with special needs, in the basement of the United Church Orphanage. She recruited Mollie Dingle, MBE, as teacher.
   In 1957, due to the need for more classes, Perlin bought a house. Her program quickly outgrew this new space, however, and in 1966 she undertook the construction of a new "multipurpose building... named the Vera Perlin School in her honour. " Her efforts ultimately led to the formation of the association now known as the Newfoundland Association for Community Living. Subsequently, the St. John’s branch of that association was called the Vera Perlin Society.
   In 1959 the provincial government awarded the Association a yearly grant, which lasted until 1971, when the government took responsibility for educating developmentally challenged children.
   Vera Perlin died in 1974. Her ideals are represented still today through the Vera Perlin Society, which serves as advocate and service provider for citizens who have developmental challenges.


答案 维拉-珀林 伊丽莎白-维拉-克罗斯比-珀林1902年11月28日出生于加拿大纽芬兰省圣-约翰斯市。她因在为特殊需要和遭遇发育障碍的儿童提供教育方面做出开创性贡献而闻名。她一生曾获得多个奖项:1962年被授予“圣-约翰斯年度公民”,她是获得此项殊荣的第一人;1967年被全国犹太人委员会授予“纽芬兰世纪妇女”称号;1968年被授予“加拿大功勋官员”;1970年被纪念大学授予法学名誉博士学位。 维拉-珀林曾在圣-约翰斯和多伦多接受教育。1926年与艾伯特-珀林结婚,育有三个子女:安-伊丽莎白、约翰和乔治。她帮助成立了纽芬兰第一个“家庭学校联合会”,并在“联合基督教会孤儿院”顾问委员会任职。也正是在这个委员会任职期间,她意识到发育障碍儿童教育设备的短缺。 “珀林夫人坚信,发育残疾儿童应当走进学校,接受有奉献精神的教师的培养。这些老师会帮助他们发挥自己的潜能。”1954年,在联合教会的鼎力支持下,她为那些特殊需要儿童在联合教会孤儿院的地下室里建起了第一间教室,并聘请商务教育学硕士莫莉-丁格尔作老师。 1957年,鉴于对教室需求的增长,珀林购买了一栋房子。但是,没过多长时间,新增的房子的面积便不能满足她的规划的要求了,于是,1966年她开始建造“以她自己名字命名的多功能大厦——维拉-珀林学校。”她的不懈努力最终促成了纽芬兰社区生活协会的成立。随后,该协会的圣-约翰斯分会被命名为“维拉-珀林协会”。 从1959年起,纽芬兰省政府每年都向该协会划拨一笔补助金,直到1971年,省政府接管了发育障碍儿童的教育工作为止。 维拉-珀林于1974年去世。直至今天,维拉-珀林协会仍然体现着她的理想,积极地为那些发育障碍儿童呐喊并提供服务。

