“第七届中国智能车未来挑战赛”日前在常熟展开。常熟也成为连续三次举办我国无人驾驶智能车辆发展水平比赛的城市。 此次比赛主要测试无人驾驶智能车辆完成指定城市区域特定任务以及城郊、城区、快速道路和居民小区等真实、开放的综合道路交通环境下自主驾驶的能力。

admin2021-08-09  31

问题     “第七届中国智能车未来挑战赛”日前在常熟展开。常熟也成为连续三次举办我国无人驾驶智能车辆发展水平比赛的城市。


答案The Seventh China’s Challenge Race of Future Smart Car was held recently in Changshu, Jiang-su Province, East China. This unmanned smart car development races of China has been held three times in a row in Changshu. The race required an unmanned smart car to complete a series of tasks in specific areas to test its driving capability in real, open and comprehensive transportation environment such as suburb, city center, expressways or residential areas. The race focused on testing its intelligent level including safety, comfort, agility and smartness in a 13.5km race circuit There were 20 teams from 12 domestic universities and research institutes participating in the race.

解析 1.本文选自《新民晚报》,报道了“第七届中国智能车未来挑战赛”,向读者传递了我国智能车发展的现状,属于常见新闻文体。画线部分共有五句话,句子结构不算复杂,基本没有生僻词汇和专业词汇。译文应保持原文通俗易懂,简洁明了的风格。
2.第一句译成英语时,要使用被动态。大赛名称译法较多,可译为The Seventh China’s Challenge Race ofFuture Smart Car,只要符合原文意思即可。举办地为Changshu,后面增译Jiangsu Province,EastChina,可方便国外读者明确常熟在中国的地理位置。“举办”可译为hold、host或organize。
3.第二句注意使用定语从句,“连续”可译为in a row,in succession或consecutively。
4.第三句比较长,分析后可得出主语为“此次比赛”,谓语为“测试”,宾语为“任务”和“能力”。因此主句可译为The race required an unmanned smart car to complete a series of tasks in specific areas to testits driving capability,后面接介词短语,后置修饰capability便可将原句的说明成分及修辞部分完整翻译出来。
5.在翻译第四句时应注意的是:原句中未出现主语,但可从上下文判断得出,“此次比赛”是主语,“考核”是谓语动词,“着重”是副词修饰动词“考核”。但在翻译时,可进行词类转换,将“着重”作为谓语动词,译成focused on testing,可让译文更加地道。“赛程全程约13.5公里”可译为词组in a 13.5km race circuit,与前文衔接更流畅。
