How will artificial intelligence affect our life? Without any doubt, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a significant ro

admin2019-04-11  74

问题    How will artificial intelligence affect our life?
   Without any doubt, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a significant role in our life. But is AI a blessing or a curse? Public concern has arisen about the potential disadvantages brought about by the quick development of AI. I personally believe that its advantage exceeds its disadvantage for the following reasons.
   The primary fact we need to take into consideration is that AI has become an indispensable part in people’s life. For example, the technology of fingerprint identification is a kind of typical and mature AI. Now it has been widely used in a various number of fields including cellphone industry, security system, economic and social management and so on. Take the Apple for instance, the iPhone with fingerprint authentication technology will enable users to skip a password and identify themselves to their iPhone simply by pressing the home button. People enjoy its comfort and convenience and already become used to it. As a consequence, we can’t live without it. It’s also one of the most successful AI application cases in our life. Another fact we have to admit is that the arrival of strong artificial intelligence has been inevitable for decades even though there exist some voices of disharmony and opposition. With the increasing of competition in society and fast pace of life, people need AI to change their current approaches and improve efficiency. The development of social productive forces and science and technology represents the trend of the times. One day, our grandchildren are going to look back on us just like the same way we look at the upright ape, living in dust, with crude language and tools.
   However, it seems that people have seen so many awful scenes in science fiction movies that the earth was destroyed by the AI robots, they start to bring the anxiety into reality. Apparently there is a distinct difference between a computer and a human mind. Since they have the ability to invent them, the scientists are also capable of destroying AI before they get out of control and destroy the earth.
   In conclusion, of crucial importance is, in my view, that how to make full use of AI to improve living quality instead of worrying about it.


答案 人工智能将如何影响我们的生活? 毫无疑问,人工智能在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。但它究竟是福是祸?人工智能快速发展可能产生的弊端已经引起公众的关注。我个人认为人工智能利大于弊,原因有下。 我们要考虑的一个基本事实是,人工智能已成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。举例来说,指纹识别就是一种典型且成熟的人工智能技术,目前已被广泛应用于手机行业、安全系统、经济社会管理等多个领域。以苹果公司为例,它的iPhone手机带有指纹认证技术,可以让用户跳过输入密码的环节,只需按下主页键就能完成机主身份识别。人们享受人工智能带来的舒适和便利,甚至已习以为常。以至于,我们的生活已经离不开它了。指纹认证技术也是在我们生活中应用的最成功的人工智能案例之一。另一个我们不得不承认的事实是,尽管一直存在不和谐的反对声音,但几十年来,强人工智能的出现是一种必然。随着社会竞争加剧、生活节奏加快,人们需要人工智能来改变现有工作方式,提高工作效率。社会生产力和科技发展是大势所趋。总有一天,我们的孙辈会像我们看直立猿人那样回看我们,在他们眼中,我们生活得灰头土脸,说的是粗鄙的语言,用的是简陋的工具。 然而,人们似乎在科幻电影中看到了太多地球被智能机器人摧毁的可怕场景,于是开始把观影时的焦虑带入现实生活。显然,电脑和人脑之间存在显著差异。科学家既然有能力发明人工智能,也就有能力在它们失控并毁灭地球前将之摧毁。 总之,在我看来,与其忧心忡忡,不如充分了解如何利用人工智能来提高生活质量,这才是至关重要的。

