
admin2019-04-11  80

问题     我与父亲不相见已二年余了,我最不能忘记的是他的背影。那年冬天,祖母死了,父亲的差使也交卸了,正是祸不单行的日子。我从北京到徐州,打算跟着父亲奔丧回家。到徐州见着父亲,看见满院狼藉的东西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼泪。父亲说:“事已如此,不必难过,好在天无绝人之路!”


答案 It is more than two years since I last saw my father, and what I can never forget is the sight of his back. Misfortunes never come singly. In the winter of more than two years ago, my grandma passed away and my father’s official appointment was terminated. I left Beijing for Xuzhou to join father in hastening home to attend the funeral. When I joined him in Xuzhou, the sight of the disorderly mess in his courtyard and the thought of my grandma started tears tricking down my cheeks. "What’s past is gone," said my father. "It’s no use grieving. Heaven always leaves us some way out." After arriving home, he sold or mortgaged all the fortune to clear our debts, and he also borrowed money to cover the funeral expenses. Those were gloomy days for our family, due to the funeral and my father’s unemployment. After the funeral, my father was to go to Nanjing to look for a position, and I was to return to Beijing to study, so we started out together.

解析     本文选自朱自清的《背影》一文,这是一篇追忆过去的散文,文章用白描记叙事实,很少出现修饰和渲染,语言朴素却感人。进行散文翻译时,考生需要注意汉语意合与英语形合的特点,对原文进行恰当整合,将缺少形式标志、句子结构较为松散的中文处理为有明确连接词连接、逻辑关系显现的英文。
