As the number of Chinese people owning private cars is expected to continuously rise as a result of their growing wealth, greate

admin2020-01-15  37

问题     As the number of Chinese people owning private cars is expected to continuously rise as a result of their growing wealth, greater awareness of traffic rules and stronger enforcement of them are urgently needed to reduce incidents of dangerous driving and road rage. Read the excerpt carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly the author’s opinion about road rage;
    2. give your comment.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
                Road Rage Threatens Safety
    China is now the world’s largest car market, but unfortunately this has failed to result in a corresponding improvement in driving skills and road etiquette among its drivers. More than 17 million cases of road rage have been handled so far this year, the traffic authorities said on Monday, a day before the Fourth National Traffic Safety Day.
    Driving angrily has proved a big contributor to frequent road accidents and casualties. In 2013, altogether 80,200 accidents were attributed to anger behind the wheel, a 4. 9 percent year-on-year increase and the number rose by 2.4 percent in 2014.
    A video was recently posted on the Internet showing a driver in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, intentionally impeding an ambulance that was responding to an emergency. This sparked intense discussion about the lack of respect for traffic rules among Chinese drivers and their lack of basic road safety awareness.
    By the end of October, China had 276 million registered vehicles, 160 million of which are cars, and the number of drivers is 322 million. The growing congestion as a result of increased car use has also led to more drivers violating the traffic regulations.
    China has the highest number of road accident fatalities in the world, many of which have been directly attributed to drivers’ bad habits and their lack of respect for traffic rules.
    The continuing rise in the number of drivers means that greater efforts have to be made to raise drivers’ traffic awareness and prompt them to obey traffic rules so as to reduce the number of killers on the road.
    Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior by a driver of an automobile or other motor vehicle. Such behavior might include rude gestures, verbal insults, deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner, or making threats. Road rage can lead to altercations, assaults, and collisions which result in injuries and even deaths. It can be thought of as an extreme case of aggressive driving. The following are common manifestations of road rage: generally aggressive driving, including sudden acceleration, braking, and close tailgating, cutting others off in a lane, or deliberately preventing someone from merging, sounding the vehicle’s horn or flashing lights excessively, and driving at high speeds in the median of a highway to terrify drivers in both lanes.
    More than 17 million cases of road rage have been handled by police in China this year as authorities struggle to teach drivers in the world’s largest car market better road etiquette.
    On the eve of National Traffic Safety Day, which fell on Wednesday, the Ministry of Public Security described road rage as a major traffic safety issue.
    Chinese traffic police have been busy handling cases involving road rage like arbitrary lane changes and dangerous overtaking this year as the world’s largest car market struggles to equip its drivers with better road etiquette.
    Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


答案 Road Rage In contrast to the rising car-owners in China, the corresponding road etiquette has been shrinking, resulting in ever increasing road rage cases in China. Road rage covers a variety of aggressive behavior. Many factors lead to this phenomenon, such as traffic congestion and neglect of basic traffic rules. Whatever the cause, if left unchecked, road rage, as shown by official statistics, is destined to injure or kill more: innocent lives. Bloody scenes are uploaded on the Internet one after another. These are not gory movies from Hollywood but rather facsimiles of road rage cases in China. The heavy casualties shown by official statistics once again ring the warning bell that these cases are not anecdotal. The soaring rage suffocated inside drivers’ chest has found a notorious outlet on the road by aggressive behavior and sometimes makes the drivers themselves "series-road-killers". What is the cause of the pent-up exasperation that is shared by so many drivers? Firstly, traffic congestion may be Number One culprit. Jammed on their way to somewhere for an hour or more, drivers are likely to violate basic traffic rules, which makes it possible to collide with others. Secondly, with high stress and low moral principles in modern society, angry drivers may resort to rude and even dangerous road behavior once offended on the road. Instead of a peaceful rapprochement, they unwisely let their tantrum erode their sanity and erupt it without a second thought. When the disastrous consequences strike, which either involve the injury or even the loss of innocent lives or their own, the lament at such homicide is too late. To pacify road rage, strict laws must be made. But more importantly, we should adjust our moral compass instead of sticking to our vengeful steering wheel. Out of the sheer respect for others’ and our own lives, let’s drive safely, peacefully and cheerfully!

解析 本题探讨的是“路怒”这一现象,属于社会生活类话题。题目要求简要概括所给材料中关于“路怒”的分析,并发表自己的评论。在具体行文方面,考生可以开篇点题,简要概括材料中的观点;然后提出自己对这一问题的看法,并给出论据;最后总结全文,重述论点或者提出建议。
