
admin2015-05-07  32

问题 LX集团公司是一家极富创新性的国际化科技公司,由LX及原IBM个人电脑事业部所组成。LX公司主要生产台式电脑、服务器、笔记本电脑、打印机、掌上电脑、主板、手机等商品。该企业定位“LX从事开发、制造及销售最可靠的、安全易用的技术产品。我们的成功源自于不懈地帮助客户提高生产力,提升生活品质。”企业使命包括“为客户利益而努力创新、创造世界最优秀、最具创新性的产品、像对待技术创新一样致力于成本创新、让更多的人获得更新、更好的技术、最低的总体拥有成本(TCO),更高的工作效率”;企业的核心价值观:成就客户—一致力于客户的满意与成功、创业创新——追求速度和效率,专注于对客户和公司有影响的创新、精准求实——基于事实的决策与业务管理、诚信正直一一建立信任与负责任的人际关系。LX集团2003年第三季度业绩发布会上,LX的新老领袖一齐上阵,因为LX集团没有达到三年前预定的目标。LX除计算机以外的业务基本上都出现亏损,其中手机业务前三季度亏损6200万元。LX集团的状况是传统业务停滞不前,新业务拓展不利,竞争对手风起云涌,这种状态使得集团领袖决定实施新的战略变革,并在变革过程中积极推进,为了使得业务稳步回升,企业选择了渐变性的变革形式。要求:



解析   (1)Corporate positioning is embodied in the mission 0f the company;  core vaILles are em bodied in management philosophy.
The primary mission of a company is to explain the nature of the company and the reason of existence,which include the following three aspects:company objectives,missions and management philosophy.
Company’S obj ectives are embodied in the nature of corporate structure and reason of existence.
Company’S missions aims at long-term strategic plans,of which the specific contents focus on  the scope of company’current and future business operations.Company’S missions reflect the  positioning of the company.Management philosophy is established by companies for their busi  ness activities,core values and code of COnduct,which is an overall description of corporate cul  ture.Management philosophy is mainly demonstrated through the company’attitude towards  stakeholders,company values,policies,obj ectives,and management style.Management philos  ophy has also affected the company’business and operating results.
(2)The transformation of LX belongs tO reactive transformation,the enterprise has tangi  ble&sensible crisis and has paid the price for delayed transformation.LX group should learn the lessons and implement timely strategic change in future business operations.
(3)LX implements coordinated transformation  Reason:Management takes proactive approach in the transformation process,who plays a  positive role,but in order to make the business a steady recovery,the nature of the change  is gradual.
