下面你将听到一段有关上海申办世博会的对话。 Reporter:Mr.Vice Minister,could you brief us on Shanghai’s applying to host the 2010 WorldExposition? 王: 实

admin2012-06-08  43

问题 下面你将听到一段有关上海申办世博会的对话。
Reporter:Mr.Vice Minister,could you brief us on Shanghai’s applying to host the 2010 WorldExposition?
王: 实际上并不是上海在申办,而是中国政府在申办。国际社会普遍认为世博会是经济、文化和科学领域内的奥林匹克。世博会向各地人民提供一个相识、共享和交朋友的机会,在这里各种新思想和新概念得到传播、发展和应用,从而提高人民的生活水平。
Reporter:Then,do you think conditions are now ripe for China to apply?
王: 中国一直是在积极参与在世界各地举办的世博会的活动。如今中国经济快速发展,我们申办不光是为了推动世博会的发展,也是为了促进中国人民和全世界人民的相互了解,增强合作和交流。
Reporter:I’ve just read an article in the New York Times that says“Shanghai is bulldozingaway its past”,meaning that skyscrapers are replacing the old houses in order to turnthe city into a modern one.The criticism is that the city’s modernization is at theexpense of the destruction of its cultural relics.How would you react to that?
王: 我们中国人和外国游客都认为上海是东西方文化的结合体。20年来上海经济迅猛发展,但与此同时,我们恢复了上海很多的历史遗迹,他们得到了更好的保护。你要是看一看上海市政府提出的申办主题就会明白,我们的目的是既要引进和发展现代的东西,同时又要保持这个城市的传统文化特点。


答案Reporter:副部长先生,您能否简单介绍一下上海申办2010年世界博览会的情况? 王: Actually,it’s not Shanghai that is applying,but the Chinese government.It has beenwidely accepted by the international community that the World Exposition is theOlympics ofeconomy,culture,science and technology.It provides an opportunity forpeople from different places to meet,to share and to make friends.It is also animportant place for new ideas and new concepts to spread,grow and be applied toimprove people’s living standards. Reporter:那您认为中国现在申办条件成熟了吗? 王: China has been actively participating in different events ofthe World Expo whereverit has been held.Now that China is enjoying fast economic growth,we want to hostthis event not only to boost the World Expo,but also to further enhance the under-standing between the Chinese people and people all over the world and to strengthenthe cooperative exchanges between China and other countries. Reporter:我刚刚看到纽约时报上一篇文章说,“上海的历史正在被推土机推掉”,说的是上海为了建设现代化城市,老房子统统被推倒,被高楼大厦取而代之。文章批评上海的现代化进程正在以破坏它的文化遗产为代价。您怎么看这个批评? 王: Shanghai is a place where both Chinese and foreign can see the reflection ofculturenot just of the East but also of the West.It is true that Shanghai has achieved tre-mendous economic growth over the last 20 years.But many of the city’s historicalsites have still been restored and preserved with care.If you look at the themesproposed by the Shanghai municipal government,you will see the idea is to developand introduce modem ideas as well as to preserve the cultural character of the city.

解析     关于交替传译的技巧,前面已经谈过。
