天柱县位于贵州省东部,是川渝黔通两广、江浙的重要门户,素有“黔东第一关”“中国重晶石之乡”“贵州高原黄金县”之称。 天柱县总面积2201平方千米,辖16个乡镇326个行政村,总人口41万余人,以侗、苗族为主的少数民族人口占98.3%,是贵州省少数民

admin2019-09-11  32

问题     天柱县位于贵州省东部,是川渝黔通两广、江浙的重要门户,素有“黔东第一关”“中国重晶石之乡”“贵州高原黄金县”之称。


答案 Located in the eastern part of Guizhou Province, Tianzhu County is an important gateway of Sichuan Province, Chongqing Municipality and Guizhou Province, to Guangdong Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province. It has long been known as the "No. 1 Pass in Eastern Guizhou" "Home of Bartie in China" and the "Gold Center of the Guizhou Plateau". Covering a total area of 2,201 square kilometers, Tianzhu County has a population of 410,000 under its jurisdiction and 16 townships governing 326 administrative villages. Ethnic minorities, predominantly the Dong and Miao, account for 98.3% of the county’s population, making it one of the counties in the province with the highest concentration of ethnic minorities. Tianzhu County boasts an abundance of natural resources. With a moderate climate and fertile soil, it serves as a major base of grain production, reputed as the "Breadbasket in East Guizhou". It is also a major tobacco leaf producer in China with an annual yield of 26 thousand dan (one dan=50 kilograms). Furthermore, as one of the 10 forestry base counties in Guizhou, it is rich in forest resources, with 1.85 million mu of wooded area (one mu=l/15 hectares), and a forest coverage rate of 56 percent. In addition, it abounds in barite, gold, coal and other mineral resources. Benefiting from the Western Development Program, Tianzhu County has developed rapidly. Its economy has developed steadily with improvements in its comprehensive strength and people’s living standards. Thanks to its optimized industrial restructuring and improved infrastructures, the county is presenting a new look. People there enjoy sound ecological environment, adequate cultural and educational facilities, better social services, good living conditions and dynamic economic growth.

解析 1.天柱县位于贵州省东部,是川渝黔通两广、江浙的重要门户,素有“黔东第一关”“中国重晶石之乡”“贵州高原黄金县”“之称。Located in the eastern part of Guizhou Province,Tianzhu County is an important gateway of Sichuan Province,Chongqing Municipality and Guizhou Province,to Guangdong Province,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province.It has long been known as the“No.1 Pass in Eastern Guizhou”“Home of Bartie in China”and the“Gold Center of the Guizhou Plateau”.
  分析  句子结构类
2.天柱县总面积2201平方千米,辖16个乡镇326个行政村,总人口41万余人,以侗、苗族为主的少数民族人口占98.3%,是贵州省少数民族比例最多的县份之一。Covering a total area of 2,201 square kilometers,Tianzhu County has a population of 410,000 under its jurisdiction and 16 townships governing 326 administrative villages.Ethnic minorities,predominantly the Dong and Miao,account for 98.3% of the county’s population,making it one of the counties in the province with the highest concentration of ethnic minorities.
  分析  句子结构类
  本句是汉语中典型的流水句,信息多且零散。英译时可按照逻辑关系,将原句拆分为两部分,第一部分讲行政区别,第二部分讲人口分布。需要注意第一句中“辖16个乡镇326个行政村”的逻辑关系,翻译时增加“governing”以凸显二者之间的逻辑关系。第二句采用换序译法,按照意义层次对分句进行整合,ethnic minorities作为句子主语体现句子重心。
3.当地年产烟叶2.6万担(一担=50公斤),是中国烟叶主产区。It is also a major tobacco leaf producer in China with an annual yield of 26 thousand dan(one dan=50 kilograms).
  分析  词性转换类
  本句体现了汉语语义前轻后重的特点:结构事实在前,判断结论在后。而英语结构恰恰相反,因此翻译本句时可采用换序译法和词性转换译法,用“with短语”引出相关数据,将原句中的“年产烟叶”动词词组转变词性,译为名词词组annual yield of…。
4.重晶石、黄金、煤等矿产资源也十分丰富。In addition,it abounds in barite,gold,coal and other mineral resources.
  分析  增词减词类
本句如果按照顺译法翻译,主语过长,给人头重脚轻的感觉,因此翻译时可增加it一词做主语,指代天柱县。同时,根据上下文逻辑关系可判知,本句与前句之间为递进关系,所以在句首增加in addition,使译文读起来更符合英文句式架构的表达与逻辑。
5.天柱乘西部大开发的东风,迅速崛起。Benefiting from the Western Development Program,Tianzhu County has developed rapidly.
  分析  篇章理解类
本句中“乘东风”是一个有中国特色的表达,意为“利用好的形势(来推动自身的发展)或从好的形势中获益”。在中国文化中,东风为春风,常用来比喻革命的、进步的推动力量或气势。对于英语民族来说,东风从欧洲大陆吹来,正如中国的西风,给人以凄凉、凛冽的感觉。如果将“东风”直译,会使缺乏中国文化背景知识的外国读者茫然不知所云。因此,本句可采用意译法,在不悖原文本意的前提下,将其翻译为benefiting from the Western Development Program即可。
