The news from Canada is both trivial and upset; they won’t be making shiny new pennies anymore. The government in Ottawa has mad

admin2014-06-13  68

问题     The news from Canada is both trivial and upset; they won’t be making shiny new pennies anymore. The government in Ottawa has made this decision after years of deliberation, for reasons that would seem to apply equally well in the United States.
    Pennies cost more to produce than they are worth. Yet because of inflation, they are worth so little that many Canadians don’t bother to use them at all. It’s not very different in New York City. In January, when Starbucks raised the price of a 12-ounce cup of coffee in Manhattan to $2.01, with taxes, many coffee drinkers were appalled—not so much by the cost as by the indignity of needing to grope for pennies.
    Inflation is sometimes cited as a threat whenever small coins are phased out.  A $ 2. 01 cup of coffee should be rounded down to $ 2, while $ 2.03 should become $ 2.05, for example, but retailers in the real world might raise prices more than lower them.  That could cause a small, one-time inflation burst.


答案 从加拿大传来一个无足轻重但又令人沮丧的消息:该国将不再发行金光闪闪的新便士硬币。历经长达数年的深思熟虑,渥太华当局做出了上述决定,其中的情由对美国也同样适用。 便士硬币的铸造成本超出了其本身面值。通货膨胀还使便士变得一文不值,许多加拿大人根本懒得去用。纽约市的情形也大同小异。一月份,星巴克将在曼哈顿一杯12盎司咖啡的含税价格提至2.01美元,令许多咖啡饮用者大为惊骇。他们并非为价格吃惊,而是因自己得要摸索出一枚便士而感到丢脸。 每当小面额硬币逐渐被淘汰时,人们有时会提出通货膨胀的危险。例如,一杯2.01美元的咖啡应当四舍五入定为2美元,而2.03美元的价格应当改为2.05美元,但在现实生活中零售商可能更多地会涨价而不是降价。这可能会引发小规模的一次性通货膨胀爆发。

