鼠相貌猥琐,鬼鬼祟祟,破坏力强,落得个“老鼠过街,人人喊打”的千古骂名。但它居于中国十二生肖(the twelve symbolic animals)之首,自古以来就令人不可思议。一个较为合理的解释是,鼠常在夜里23时至凌晨1时四处活动,这是一天当中最

admin2021-05-28  37

问题   鼠相貌猥琐,鬼鬼祟祟,破坏力强,落得个“老鼠过街,人人喊打”的千古骂名。但它居于中国十二生肖(the twelve symbolic animals)之首,自古以来就令人不可思议。一个较为合理的解释是,鼠常在夜里23时至凌晨1时四处活动,这是一天当中最黑暗的时候,老鼠此时出没便于隐藏行迹。由此看来,鼠昼伏夜出的(nocturnal)习性是使它能够在十二生肖中独占鳌头的主要原因,与其口碑不佳及相貌可鄙没有关系。


答案  The rat looks mean and stealthy, and always causes mass destruction, ending up with the notorious reputation of "A rat crossing the street is chased by all. " However, it ranks first among the twelve symbolic animals, which has always been a wonder since ancient times. A more reasonable explanation is that rats often move around from 11 pm to 1 am, the darkest hours in a day that is convenient for the rats to hide themselves. Judging from this, the habit of being nocturnal is the main reason why the rat is put in the first place in the twelve symbolic animals, which has nothing to do with its bad reputation or contemptible look.

解析       1.第一句中短句较多,可将前半部分译为主干,后半部分译为现在分词短语作结果状语。“落得个……千古骂名”可译为“ending up with the notorious reputation……”。
      2.第二句中,“属于……之首”可以译为ranks first among……;“不可思议”是形容词,译为英语时,可将其转译成名词wonder。
      3.第三句中的“夜里23时至凌晨1时”译成from 11 pm to 1 am比译成from 23:00 to 1:00更符合英语的表达习惯。此处与“一天当中最黑暗的时候”在本句中的意思是一致的,可以把后者译为同位语。
