Although Thaler employs an innovative mode of analysis, his study offers yet another examination of quite (i)________ground—name

admin2022-12-11  19

问题 Although Thaler employs an innovative mode of analysis, his study offers yet another examination of quite (i)________ground—namely, the cultural ideology of Norwegian-American preservationist writers in the early twentieth century. The history, literature, and changing internal dynamics of the Norwegian subculture in America constitute a particularly well-studied area. Anyone familiar with the authoritative work of scholars in the field will (ii)________little in Thaler’s study that is (iii)________.
Blank (i)      Blank (ii)    Blank (iii)
A. unfamiliar  D. find       G. accurate
B. well-worked E. understand H. new
C. fruitful    F. reveal     I. recognizable



解析 先看空格(i),逻辑连接词是although,引导让步转折,前后反义对应。前面说塞勒采用了一种创新的分析模式,所以后面要表现不创新,空格填表示跟“创新”反义对应的词,选项B项well-worked(此处是被研究得很透彻的意思)符合。最后一句话说任何熟悉这个领域的人都很少能够(ii)________塞勒作品中(in)________的东西。这句话跟前面同义对应,也是要体现塞勒的作品不创新。浏览选项,只有D和H一组能够体现作品不创新,因此选D项find(找到)和H项new(新的)。
本试题收录于: GRE VERBAL题库GRE分类
