A motion at the Labour party conference, which begins on Sunday, is expected to call on the party to take advantage of break cla

admin2016-01-29  28

问题     A motion at the Labour party conference, which begins on Sunday, is expected to call on the party to take advantage of break clauses in agreements between the government and private operators. Last week, the Labour leader announced that his party would take back routes as contracts expired rather than opening the contracts to new bids.
    The motion will cause further anxiety among some shadow cabinet members who believe the party is already too hostile towards big business under Corbyn and his shadow chancellor, John McDonnell.
    Manuel Cortes, the general secretary of the Transport Salaried Staffs Association, which is behind the conference motion, said Labour should consider speeding up re-nationalization through invoking break clauses. "The franchises should be brought back into public ownership as they expire, but to accelerate this, Labour should think about using break clauses within the franchises if this is in the interests of passengers. "
    Every franchise would have a break clause through which the contract could be ended earlier than planned, Cortes said. "If Labour takes over(in 2020), only five franchises are up for(full)renewal over that parliament," he said. "The last time a private company(Railtrack)ran the tracks, we ended up with two major accidents at Hatfield and Potters Bar. "
    It is understood that TSSA could use provisions for emergency motions to update their wording to welcome Corbyn’s announcement on public ownership. Train drivers’ union Aslef is expected to second the call. Its leader, Mick Whelan, said: "We will support any opportunity for the railways to be bought back into public ownership. "
    In the run-up to the election, former leader Ed Miliband stopped short of endorsing full re-nationalization, saying that publicly owned enterprises could bid to take back contracts when franchises expired.
    In a sign he wants a clearer policy than his predecessor,Corbyn told the Independent on Sunday: "We know there is overwhelming support from the British people for a people’s railway, better and more efficient services, proper integration and fairer fares. On this issue, it won’t work to have a nearly-but-not-quite position. Labour will commit to a clear plan for a fully integrated railway in public ownership. "
    A spokesman for the Rail Delivery Group, which represents Network Rail and train operators, questioned the logic of enforced re-nationalization by breaking with existing contracts. "When rail franchising was introduced, the railway ran at a £ 2bn-a-year loss in terms of its day-to-day costs but today, it virtually covers its running expenses. " " There is more to do to improve rail services but why get rid of a model that is working for passengers and taxpayers?"
The rail operators disagree with the current re-nationalization for the reason that______.

选项 A、the passengers and taxpayers have benefited from the franchising system
B、the Labour itself introduced the franchising system with legal contracts
C、the running expenses are hard to cover with the current re-nationalization
D、there is more to do to improve enforced re-nationalization with less cost


解析 根据题干定位到最后一段最后一句:There is more to do to improve rail services but why get rid of a model that is working for passengers and taxpayers?[A]选项中的franchising system就是原文中的model;the passengers and taxpayers have benefited就是that is working for passen—gers and taxpayers.这是完美的同义替换。[B][C][D]三个选项都是拼凑!只要切分就能很容易地识别!再次提醒:一定要切分选项!
