
admin2018-07-31  72

问题     许多家庭都努力着既要发展各自事业,满足消费需求,又希望拥有美满的家庭生活。设定重点就易于保持健康。把你认为生活中重要的事情列成一张清单,如与家人共度时光、事业有成、身体健康……然后瞧一瞧它们列在一起是什么样的。比如说,你也许发觉工作对你很重要,而和家人在一起同样重要;健身很重要,而帮孩子补习功课也是如此。你需要自己确定何为重中之重,然后一一腾出时间。


答案 Making time for your priorities keeps your focus on the fundamental things in your life, such as your health and your family. Don’t beat yourself up if you must choose one priority over another. Recognize that you value time spent with your family, for example, and let yourself off the hook if you decide to skip going to the gym in order to help your son with his schoolwork. Or if you’re managing a chronic illness, be careful not to let your work schedule cause you to miss taking your medications. The key to health is to remind yourself that you’re important — you are your most important resource. Learn some ways to recharge your battery so that you’re ready when the next stressful situation arises. You might try relaxing in a warm bath or curling up with a good book after a stressful day. Or spend a weekend afternoon hiking or walking outdoors to get fresh air and gain renewal.

