Reports suggest HSBC could seek to cut an additional 8,000~10,000 jobs from its headcount of 238,000 (a spokesperson declined to

admin2021-08-19  75

问题     Reports suggest HSBC could seek to cut an additional 8,000~10,000 jobs from its headcount of 238,000 (a spokesperson declined to confirm the number of jobs to go). Yet after years of cost-cutting, analysts are divided as to whether much more fat can be trimmed. Daniel Tabbush of Tabbush Report, an Asia-based research firm, says HSBC "is not particularly bloated". The bank may also partially exit some share-trading activities in Western markets, and wants to sell its French retail operations. But a hasty disposal of badly performing units, which also include its A-merican wholesale arm, may force it to write down part of their value. So hopes must be placed in the second prong of HSBC’s grand reform—to move capital away from the dreariest businesses and towards "higher growth and return opportunities". HSBC’s cost-to-income ratio is 104% in Europe, compared with 43% in Asia, where it generates nearly 90% of its profits. It makes only a quarter of its lending in Britain, yet the country generates 35% of its non-performing loans, says Mr. Tabbush. Its $98bn of risk-weighted assets allocated to America produce only $527m in annual profit. The bank’s management has so far declined to provide any guidance as to where newly released capital might be sent. HSBC is already the largest corporate lender in Asia by market penetration, according to Greenwich Associates, a research firm. And getting more deeply into China may prove tricky. Other dynamic markets, like Vietnam and Indonesia, are tiny by comparison. There are also limits to how much HSBC can rejig its various lines of business. Its strength in trade finance has so far failed to translate into clout in investment banking. Global capital markets are more lucrative, but volatile.


答案 有报道称,汇丰银行可能会在其238000员工的基础上再裁员8000到10000人。(发言人拒绝证实裁员人数)。然而,在经历了多年的成本削减之后,分析师们对是否可以削减更多的成本产生了分歧。亚洲研究公司塔布希报告(Tabbush Report)的丹尼尔.塔布希表示,汇丰“并不是特别臃肿”。该行也可能部分退出西方市场的某些股票交易活动,并希望出售其在法国的零售业务。但是草率处理盈利欠佳的部门,包括美国批发业务部门,可能会迫使其贬低他们的部分价值。因此,必须把希望放在汇丰银行重大改革的第二个方面——将资本从最惨淡的业务中转移出来,转向“更高的增长和回报机会”。汇丰银行在欧洲的成本收入比为104%,而在亚洲这一比例为43%,却创造了该行近90%的利润。塔布希表示,虽然其英国的贷款只有四分之一,但却造成了35%的不良贷款率。其分配给美国的980亿美元风险加权资产仅产生5. 27亿美元的年度利润。迄今为止,就新释放的资金可能投向何处,该行管理层拒绝提供任何引导。研究机构格林威治联营公司(Greenwich Associates)的数据显示,按市场渗透率计算,汇丰银行已经是亚洲最大的企业贷款机构。想要进一步深入中国市场可能会很难。而其他充满活力的市场,如越南和印度尼西亚,规模又太小。并且,汇丰调整其各项业务的程度也受限。迄今为止,汇丰银行在贸易融资方面的实力未能转化为在投资银行业的影响力。全球资本市场利润更高,但波动性更大。

解析     divided在这里表示“有分歧的”,与as to搭配,表示“在……方面存在分歧或意见不一致”。fat作名词,原意为“脂肪,肥肉”,结合前文以及该词前的more可知,这里的fat等同于前边的cost,即“成本”。因此trim more fat表示“削减更多的成本”,此外trim the fat这个搭配还经常被用来表示“裁员”,翻译时要根据语境选择合适的表述。
    a hasty disposal of badly performing units为主语,其中hasty意为“轻率的,匆忙的,草率的”,修饰其后的名词disposal,构成偏正结构。翻译时若是按照原文结构处理,译为“对表现不佳的部门的草率处理”来做句子主语,句子结构会失去平衡,同时也不符合中文的表述习惯。因此翻译时进行词性转换,将名词disposal转换为动词“处理”,对应将形容词hasty处理为副词“草率”,将原文主语的偏正结构处理为一个包含主谓成分的小短句,译文更加通顺自然。arm在这里表示“部门”。write down除了最常见的“写下”之意外,也表示“减低账面价值”,这些简单的表达都需要结合具体的语境选择义项,而这些含义则需要考生在平时学习中积累掌握。
