If you like to take lots of vacation, the United States is not the place to work. Besides a handful of national holidays, the ty

admin2014-01-20  37

问题     If you like to take lots of vacation, the United States is not the place to work. Besides a handful of national holidays, the typical American worker gets two or three precious weeks off out of a whole year to relax and see the world—much less than what people in many other countries receive. And even that amount of vacation often comes with strings attached.
    So what’s going on here?
    A big reason for the difference is that paid time off is demanded by law in many parts of the world. Germany is among more than two dozen industrialized countries—from Australia to Japan—that require employers to offer four weeks or more of paid vacation to their workers, according to a 2009 study by the human resources consulting company Mercer. Finland, Brazil and France are the champions, guaranteeing six weeks of time off. But employers in the United States are not obliged under federal law to offer any paid vacation, so about a quarter of all American workers don’t have access to it, government figures show. That makes the U. S. the only advanced nation in the world that doesn’t guarantee its workers annual leave.
    Most U. S. companies, of course, do provide vacation as a way to attract and retain workers. But the fear of layoffs and the ever-faster pace of work mean many Americans are reluctant to be absent from the office—anxious that they might look like they’re not committed to their job. Or they worry they won’t be able to cope with a pile of work waiting for them after a vacation.
    Then, there’s the way we work.
    Working more makes Americans happier than Europeans, according to a study published recently in the Journal of Happiness Studies. That may be because Americans believe more than Europeans do that hard work is associated with success.
    So despite research documenting the health and productivity benefits of taking time off, a long vacation can be undesirable, scary, unrealistic or just plain impossible for many U. S. workers.
Many Americans are hesitant to take a vacation because they______.

选项 A、are afraid of losing their jobs
B、enjoy the fast pace of work
C、are devoted to their jobs
D、like the challenges in work


解析 此题是一道细节推断题,考查考生根据文章上下文中的具体实例和细节内容进行引申推断的能力。问题问许多美国人对休假都犹豫不决的原因是什么。文章第四段指出:当然,大多数美国公司的确给员工提供假期,作为一种吸引和留住员工的一种方法。但是对于临时解雇的惧怕和工作节奏的日渐加速意味着许多美国人不愿意离开办公室——担心他们可能会表现得对工作不够专心致志。或者他们担心假期之后不能应对等着他们完成的一大堆工作。因此,我们可以推断出本题的正确答案应该是A,害怕失去工作。选项B:享受工作的快节奏;这个内容与原文不符;C:对工作全身心投入,文章没有明确提到;D:喜欢工作中的挑战,文章中没有提到。因此,这三个选项均为干扰项。
