It sounds so promising. A network of dedicated cycle routes runs through a city, with air pumps to fix flat tires, footrests to

admin2019-09-11  34

问题    It sounds so promising. A network of dedicated cycle routes runs through a city, with air pumps to fix flat tires, footrests to lean on while taking breaks and trash cans that are specially angled, so you can throw in empty water bottles without stopping.    Best of all, you can cycle on those routes for long distances without having to make way for cars and trucks at junctions and traffic lights, according to the official description of the Cycle Super Highways, which are under construction here as part of the Danish capital’s efforts to become carbon-neutral by 2025.
   Are they as good as they sound? These days it is hard to find a big city that doesn’t make grandiose claims to encourage cycling, and harder still to find one that fulfills them. Redesigning congested traffic systems to add bike lanes to overcrowded roads is fiendishly difficult, especially in historic cities with narrow cobbled streets like Copenhagen. But as its cycling program sounds so ambitious, I went there to try it.
   Maybe I’d be less cynical if I lived in Amsterdam, Cologne or any other city with decent cycling facilities. But as a Londoner, I’ve learned the hard way to be suspicious whenever politicians promise to do anything bike-friendly. London’s mayor, Boris Johnson, is a keen cyclist, who issues policy papers with auspicious titles like "Cycling Revolution" and has continued his predecessor’s biking program by introducing a cycle-rental project and building new bike lanes.
   So far, so good. You may think, unless you have braved the potholes, parked trucks and construction debris that obstruct those lanes, many of which appear to have been designed by someone who has never seen a bicycle, let alone ridden one.
   Luckily for Copenhagen’s cyclists, their system has been more thoughtfully designed. The capital is a compact, reasonably flat city which is naturally bike-friendly, and even its old cycle routes are wider and better maintained than London’s. More than a third of Copenhageners already bike to work or school, mainly on short journeys of an average of 5 kilometers, or 3 miles.
   The city’s traffic planners hope to encourage people to cycle for longer distances by creating the cycling equivalent of freeways, which will provide fast, direct routes of up to 22 kilometers into the center. A total of 28 highways are planned, providing 495 kilometers of dedicated bike tracks. The first one from the western suburb of Albertslund opened in April 2012, followed a year later by the second, from Farum, northwest of the city.
   What are the super highways like? Judging by my experience of the Farum route, they’re great. Impressive though the air pumps, footrests and angled trash cans are, the biggest thrill was pedaling through the "green waves" of uninterrupted green traffic lights, which have been programmed to prioritize cyclists over cars.
   It was also cheering to see bikers chatting while cycling two or three abreast in "conversation lanes". Like most urban bikers, I usually value the practical benefits of cycling, as a speedy means of transport and convenient form of exercise, but the Farum route made it as pleasurable as zipping along empty country lanes.
   The planners hope the full network will eventually encourage a 30-percent increase in cycling among Copenhagen’s commuters, which would be hugely beneficial in terms of reducing the city’s CO2 emissions and health care costs.


答案 听起来真不错。一条自行车专用线路网遍布全城,沿路配有气泵,车胎瘪了,可以充气;配有歇脚架,休息时可以倚靠一下;还配有专门斜置的垃圾桶,这样不用停车就能把空水瓶扔进去。 根据官方对“自行车高速路”的描述,这些自行车线路正在兴建中,这是丹麦首都为了到2025年底实现碳零排放而做的一部分努力。它最大的优点是,你可以在这些专用路线上骑得很远,而不必在路口或红绿灯下为大小汽车让路。 情况真有说的那么好吗?现如今,几乎所有的大城市都夸下海口,表示要鼓励人们骑自行车。但是,要找一座能够兑现承诺的大城市则是难上加难。重新设计拥堵的交通系统,在拥挤的道路上增添自行车道,是一件极其困难的事,特别是像哥本哈根这座拥有狭窄鹅卵石街道的历史名城。但是,既然它的自行车计划听起来如此宏伟,我便前去亲自体验一番。 假如我住在阿姆斯特丹、科隆或任何一个有着便利骑行设施的城市,或许我就不会那么偏执了。然而我住在伦敦,亲身经历使我每每听见政客们允诺说要创造一切条件鼓励骑行,便总会对此持怀疑态度。伦敦市长鲍里斯-约翰逊(Boris Johnson)酷爱骑自行车。他发布了一项名为“自行车革命"的政策性文件,其标题听上去很是踌躇满志。他继续落实前任的自行车计划,启动了自行车出租项目,还修建了新的自行车道。 你会觉得这一切都很好,除非你已经在那些坑坑洼洼的路面,以及堵塞自行车道的卡车和建筑垃圾中艰难穿行过。许多自行车道设计者,似乎都是些从未见过自行车,更不用说骑过自行车的人。 幸运的是,对于哥本哈根骑行者而言,这里有设计更为周到的自行车行车系统。整个首都布局紧凑、地势平坦,因而也就自然适合骑行,就连原有的自行车道,也比伦敦的要宽,保养得更好。三分之一以上的哥本哈根居民骑自行车上学或上班,多数是平均五公里(约三英里)的短程。 城市交通规划者们希望鼓励更长距离的骑行,他们打算修建相当于高速公路的快速直达自行车道,其最长可达22公里,直通市中心。计划总共修建28条专用自行车道,总长495公里。第一条起点是西郊的阿伯伦(Albertslund),已于2012年4月投入使用。一年后第二条也已投入使用,起点是城西北的法洛姆(Farum)。 这些高速自行车道的情况如何呢?从我在法洛姆这条线路骑车的亲身经历来看,情况好极了。除了令人难忘的气泵、歇脚架和斜置垃圾桶,最令人兴奋的还是骑行者可径直骑过那一长串绿灯组成的“绿色波浪”,因为交通信号灯由程序控制,自行车可以先于汽车通行。 令人愉悦的是,还可在“聊天车道”看到两三个人并排骑车、聊天。我和城市里大多数骑行者一样,看重的是骑行的实际意义,将其看作是一种快速交通工具和便捷运动方式。而在法洛姆这条路线上骑车,你还会感到心情愉悦,就像在空旷的乡间车道上飞驰一样。 规划者们希望,整个自行车专用路线网能促使哥本哈根骑车上班族增长30%,这将大大减少该市的二氧化碳排放量和医疗费用支出。

解析 1.A network of dedicated cycle routes runs through a city,with air pumps to fix flat tires,footrests to lean on while taking breaks and trash cans that are specially angled,so you can throw in empty water bottles without stopping.一条自行车专用线路网遍布全城,沿路配有气泵,车胎瘪了,可以充气;配有歇脚架,休息时可以倚靠一下;还配有专门斜置的垃圾桶,这样不用停车就能把空水瓶扔进去。
  分析  句子结构类
  本句中,with结构作为伴随状语共有三个宾语成分,即air pumps,footrests和trash cans。翻译时,考虑到句式表达的顺畅性,此处可采取词性转换的译法,将介词with译为动词“有、配有”并增加“沿线”一词来承接前句。另外,air pumps to fix flat tires,footrests to lean on while taking breaks如果译成“修理瘪气车胎的气泵”和“休息时可以依靠的歇脚架”,定语部分过于啰唆拗口,因此可采取断句译法,将这两个短语分别拆分成…air pumps,so you can fix flat tires;…footrests,so you can lean on while taking breaks,这样也可与最后一句trash cans that are specially angled,so you can…在句子结构上保持一致。需要注意的是,句子拆分重组后,人称代词you也可以视为泛指而省略不译。
2.Best of all,you can cycle on those routes for long distances without having to make way for cars and trucks at junctions and traffic lights,according to the official description of the Cycle Super Highways,which are under construction here as part of the Danish capital’s efforts to become carbon-neutral by 2025.根据官方对“自行车高速路”的描述,这些自行车线路正在兴建中,这是丹麦首都为了到2025年底实现碳零排放而做的一部分努力。它最大的优点是,你可以在这些专用路线上骑得很远,而不必在路口或红绿灯下为大小汽车让路。
  分析  句子结构类
  本句句式较长,翻译时可采取断句译法,将整句拆分成两部分各自翻译 can cycle on…without…和according to the official description of…which are under construction here as…。同时,考虑到英语中的状语位置比较灵活,而翻译时则需考虑汉语表达习惯,将状语放在适当位置,或前或后。因此,根据本句两个分句间的上下文逻辑关系,此处可采取换序译法,将according to…这一部分前置翻译,并将which引导的定语从句拆分成由…are under construction和(are)part of…构成的主谓结构来翻译,从而避免了定语过长的问题。
3.But as a Londoner,I’ve learned the hard way to be suspicious whenever politicians promise to do anything bike-friendly.然而我住在伦敦,亲身经历使我每每听见政客们允诺说要创造一切条件鼓励骑行,便总会对此持怀疑态度。
  分析  语言措辞类
  本句中,翻译时应注意learn the hard way to be suspicious和do anything bike-friendly的措辞。前者原意为“在困难中学会怀疑”,此处根据上下文语境可意译为“(不好的)亲身经历使……怀疑”。后者根据do anything的原意“竭尽所能做任何事情”,以及形容词bike-friendly的原意“青睐自行车的”,可采取意译法和词性转换译法,将其译为“创造一切条件鼓励骑行”。另外,为了与whenever呼应并加强语气,还可采用“每每……,便总会……”这一句式结构。
4.London’s mayor,Boris Johnson,is a keen cyclist,who issues policy papers with auspicious titles like“Cycling Revolution”and has continued his predecessor’s biking program by introducing a cycle-rental project and building new bike lanes.伦敦市长鲍里斯-约翰逊(Boris Johnson)酷爱骑自行车。他发布了一项名为“自行车革命”的政策性文件,其标题听上去很是踌躇满志。他继续落实前任的自行车计划,启动了自行车出租项目,还修建了新的自行车道。
  分析  语言措辞类
  本句是复杂长句,翻译时为明确句意,可将其划分为三层:London’s mayor…is a keen cyclist;(He)issues policy papers…;(He)has continued his predecessor’s biking program by…。其中,形容词keen和auspicious的翻译需要仔细斟酌。keen原意为“热心的,渴望的”,可如果此处直译为“他是个热心的/渴望的自行车骑行者”,语义不通且不符合汉语表达习惯,因此可采取词性转换的译法,将其译为动词“酷爱(骑行)”。auspicious原意为“吉祥的,有利的”,可此处如果直译为“他发布了一项题目吉祥/有利的政策性文件”,表达似乎很不符合汉语搭配,因此可考虑采取断句译法和意译法,先翻译出“他发布了一项名为‘自行车革命’的政策性文件”,然后再将auspicious单独意译成“踌躇满志”,既顺应了汉语的表达习惯,也符合上下文语境中该词的语体特点与节奏。
5.So far, so good.You may think,unless you have braved the potholes,parked trucks and construction debris that obstruct those lanes,many of which appear to have been designed bv someone who has never seen a bicycle,let alone ridden one.你会觉得这一切都很好,除非你已经在那些坑坑洼洼的路面,以及堵塞自行车道的卡车和建筑垃圾中艰难穿行过。许多自行车道设计者,似乎都是些从未见过自行车,更不用说骑过自行车的人。
  分析  句子结构类、语言措辞类
  本句由两个独立的句子构成,其中前句较短,而后句则很长,翻译时可根据上下文语境,采取合并译法和断句译法,将句子重新拆分整合,以方便语言表达。比如,该句拆分整合后可变为You may think so far so good,unless you have braved the potholes,parked trucks and construction debris that obstruct those lanes和Many appear to have been designed by someone who has never seen a bicycle,let alone ridden one。其中,第一句中的动词brave和第二句中的动词design,在翻译时需仔细斟酌。brave原意为“勇敢地面对”,此处可意译为“见识过……(等糟糕的情形)”或“在……(等糟糕的情形)中艰难骑行”。be design by…如果此处直译为“许多自行车道似乎是由从未见过自行车,更不用说骑过自行车的人设计的”,则定语部分过于烦琐,因此可采取词性转换的译法,将其译为名词“设计者”并在句子中充当主语成分,即“许多自行车道设计者,似乎都是些……的人”,或是省略someone译为“许多自行车道设计者,似乎都从未……,更不用说……了。”
6.The capital is a compact,reasonably flat city which is naturally bike-friendly,and even its old cycle routes are wider and better maintained than London’s.整个首都布局紧凑、地势平坦,因而也就自然适合骑行,就连原有的自行车道,也比伦敦的要宽,保养得更好。
  分析  语言措辞类
  本句中,The capital和city同指哥本哈根这座城市,可采取同指译法只译出一个即可,而无须赘述“整个首都是……的城市”。另外,compact,reasonably flat两个并列形容词作定语修饰city,可译成四字格“布局紧凑、地势平坦”,以增强语言措辞的美感和节奏感。同时,根据上下文逻辑关系,naturally bike-friendly是前句自然而然的结果,因此可增加“因而”来加强句子间的逻辑性。
7.The city’s traffic planners hope to encourage people to cycle for longer distances by creating the cycling equivalent of freeways,which will provide fast,direct routes of up to 22 kilometers into the center.城市交通规划者们希望鼓励更长距离的骑行,他们打算修建相当于高速公路的快速直达自行车道,其最长可达22公里,直通市中心。
  分析  语言措辞类
  在翻译本句时,应先理顺其句意结构:The city’s traffic planners hope to encourage…;(The city’s traffic planners)creating the cycling…;(The cycling equivalent of freeways)will provide fast,direct routes of up to 22 kilometers into the center.在此基础上,应着重斟酌措辞,以保证前后句逻辑明确,衔接顺畅。其中,动词create如果在本句中直译为“创造”,则不符合汉语表达习惯,因此可意译为“打算修建、设计创建”。同时,关系代词which引导的定语从句可译为主谓结构,根据上下文语境,which在这里译为“其”,从而承接前句。
8.Impressive though the air pumps,footrests and angled trash cans are,the biggest thrill was pedaling through the“green waves”of uninterrupted green traffic lights,which have been programmed to prioritize cyclists over cars.除了令人难忘的气泵、歇脚架和斜置垃圾桶,最令人兴奋的还是骑行者可径直骑过那一长串绿灯组成的“绿色波浪”,因为交通信号灯由程序控制,自行车可以先于汽车通行。
  分析  增词减词类
  本句句子较长且句式复杂。though引导的让步状语从句,可译为“尽管……令人印象深刻,但最令人兴奋的却是……”,或者译为“除了……,最令人兴奋的还是……”,两种译法中,增译“却”或“还”既可以表达句子间的逻辑关系,又可以在此处起强调作用,引出后句。另外,which引导的定语从句在此处修饰其先行词green waves of traffic lights,为体现前后句间的因果关系,可在pedal through前增译“径直、直接”,来引出后句中的原因并加强语气。
9.The planners hope the full network will eventually encourage a 30-percent increase in cycling among Copenhagen’s commuters,which would be hugely beneficial in terms of reducing the city’s CO2 emissions and health care costs.规划者们希望,整个自行车专用路线网能促使哥本哈根骑车上班族增长30%,这将大大减少该市的二氧化碳排放量和医疗费用支出。
  分析  增词减词类
本句中的…hugely beneficial…如果译为“这将对减少该市的二氧化碳排放量和医疗费用支出极为有利”,或者“这将在减少该市的二氧化碳排放量和医疗费用支出方面十分有益”,也是可以的,但考虑到hugely beneficial即为“减少城市的二氧化碳排放量和医疗费用支出”,因此可采取同指译法,省略hugely beneficial,直接翻译后半句,既无损句意又言简意赅。
