A mere 5% of the chief executives of the world’s biggest companies are women. And they are more likely to be dismissed than thei

admin2021-10-14  18

问题     A mere 5% of the chief executives of the world’s biggest companies are women. And they are more likely to be dismissed than their more numerous male colleagues; 38% of the female CEOs who left their jobs over the past ten years were forced to go, compared with 27% of the men. This is the latest finding from the research on the top management at the world’s 2, 500 largest public companies.
    A clue as to why women are more likely to be fired than men is provided by another statistic in the study; 35% of female CEOs are hired from outside the company, compared with just 22% of male ones. Outsiders generally have a higher chance of being kicked out, and generate lower returns to shareholders. Businesses that are already troubled are more likely to turn to outsiders; and outsiders are less likely to have a support network of friends who can rally around when times get tough.
    Michelle Ryan, an organizational psychologist at the University of Exeter in England, says women face nothing less than a " glass cliff": they get their best shot at the top job by taking charge of a firm in trouble. In practice, outsiders of either sex face the same plight. But since women are still fairly exotic creatures in the C-suite, they attract disproportionate publicity when they hit problems. Carly Fiorina, dropped as HP’s boss in 2005, made things worse by inviting such publicity. But the same is not true of, say, Ginni Rometty, the lower-profile boss of IBM, who is under fire over the firm’s performance.
    The new research is not entirely pessimistic. Over the past ten years the balance of incoming versus outgoing female CEOs, as a proportion of all changes of boss, has risen significantly. It is predicted that women will make up as many as a third of incoming CEOs by 2040. It appears that the demand for female bosses exceeds supply, hence firms are willing to bring them in from outside. This points to an obvious solution: companies should work harder on creating a pipeline of female future CEOs. This would reduce both the pressure to raid rival firms and the chances of women failing when they at last reach the top.
According to the first paragraph, female CEOs are _________.

选项 A、scarce but outstanding
B、more likely to be hired
C、rare and easy to get fired
D、more numerous than male ones


解析 细节题。根据题干可定位到第一段,选项[A]的scarce“罕见的”正确,因为首句提到A mere 5%of the chief executives of the world’s biggest companies are women,而outstanding“杰出的”在该段并未提及,故排除。选项[B]“更可能被雇佣”与该段第二句they are more likely to be dismissed“她们更容易被解雇”相悖,故排除。选项[C]的rare“稀少的”对应首句,而easy to get fired“容易被解雇”对应第二句,故该项正确。选项[D]“比男性首席执行官更多”与该段第二句more numerous male colleagues“数量更多的男同事”不符。故本题答案为[C]。
