食物如果保存不当很快会腐烂。温度和潮气都会助长微生物的繁殖,阳光会破坏牛奶一类食物的维生素成分,所以,大多数食物应该保存在既凉爽、黑暗和干燥又干净、通风良好的地方。 腐烂变质很快的食物,如肉类、蛋类和奶类,应该在5℃一10℃范围内保存。因为在此温度

admin2016-09-27  70

问题     食物如果保存不当很快会腐烂。温度和潮气都会助长微生物的繁殖,阳光会破坏牛奶一类食物的维生素成分,所以,大多数食物应该保存在既凉爽、黑暗和干燥又干净、通风良好的地方。
微生物n.microorganisms 繁殖n.multiplication


答案Food will decompose quickly in case of improper preservation. Heat and moisture can encourage the multiplication of microorganisms and sunshine can damage the vitamins in some foods like milk. Thus, most food should be stored in cool, dark, dry, clean and well-ventilated places. The food which spoils at a fast speed, such as meat, egg and milk should be preserved in a temperature of 5℃-10℃. The microorganisms become less active in this temperature range. If it is warm, the temperature can be kept in the refrigerator or in the basement. In Britain, for six months of the year at least, the temperature is available in an unheated room facing the north or the east. In case of excellent ventilation, the room is ideal for food preservation in winter.

