
admin2019-04-11  87

问题     中国西部论坛秉承交流信息、聚合智慧、共谋发展的宗旨,架起了一座让世界了解西部、让西部走向世界的桥梁,构建了一个世界与西部、东部与西部、西部与西都相互沟通、平等交流的平台。中国西部论坛随着西部大开发的启动而诞生,也将随着西部大开发的推进而延续。我相信各位极具创造精神、富有远见卓识的专家学者、企业家和政要们,必将为中国西部大开发提出宝贵的意见和建议,使中国西部论坛闪烁着智慧的光芒。


答案 The purpose of the Western Forum of China is to exchange the information, pool wisdom, and to promote cooperation for common development. The Forum will build a bridge for the world to know the western region and for this region to go to the world. It will also serve as a platform for communication between western and eastern China and within the region itself. The Forum has come into being with the launching of the Western Development Program and will continue as development advances. I believe all of you—innovative and visionary scholars, business people, and political figures—will share with us your valuable ideas concerning the development of this region. I am sure your contribution will make the Forum shine with wisdom.

