
admin2016-09-27  82

问题 如果说“义”代表一种伦理的人生态度,“利”代表一种功利的人生态度,那么,我所说的“情”便代表一种审美的人生态度。它主张率性而行,适情而止,每个人都保持自己的真性情。你不是你所信奉的教义,也不是你所占有的物品,你之为你仅在于你的真实“自我”。生命的意义不在奉献或占有,而在创造,创造就是人的真性情的积极展开,是人在实现其本质力量时所获得的情感上的满足。创造不同于奉献,奉献只是完成外在的责任,创造却是实现真实的“自我”。至于创造和占有,其差别更是一目了然,譬如写作,占有注重的是作品所带来的名利地位,创造注重的只是创作本身的快乐。有真性情的人,与人相处唯求情感的沟通,与物相触独钟情趣的品味。更为可贵的是,在世人匆忙逐利又为利所逐的时代,他接人待物有一种闲适之情。我不是指中国士大夫式的闲情逸致,也不是指小农式的知足保守,而是指一种不为利驱、不为物役的淡泊的生活情怀。仍以写作为例,我想不通,一个人何必要著作等身呢?倘想流芳千古,一首不朽的小诗足矣。倘无此奢求,则只要活得自在即可,写作也不过是这活得自在的一种方式罢了。(40 points)


答案If to be righteousness is said to be an ethical way of life and to seek interests is an utilitarian one, to keep your temperament, in my opinion, is an aesthetic way of life. It advocates doing everything at will and everyone should maintain his natural temperament. You are neither dependent on the doctrine nor the possession, but on your true self. The meaning of life lies neither in contribution nor possession but creation. To create is to develop actively your true temperament and give you a feeling of satisfaction after your inner power is released. Different from contribution which is made to shoulder responsibility, creation intends to help you fulfill your true self. And creation is distinct from possession. Take writing as an example, to write to possess is to get the fame and status while to write to create is to get the pleasure of writing itself. The person who has natural temperament would like to seek emotional communication when dealing with others, with a focus on the taste of appeal when possession is concerned. More importantly, when others are chasing interests, he can feel leisurely comfortable towards the outer world. I don’t mean the insouciance of those intellectuals and officials in the feudal China or the innate conservatism of the peasant, but a sentiment of being free of material. As for writing again, I do not understand why a writer should be prolific? A short poet is enough for you to be well-known for eternity. If you don’t care about that, you can just take writing as a way of getting leisure.

