Chinese courtesies have always been formal to follow strict rules, although sometimes Chinese people seem to be impolite accordi

admin2014-02-15  53

问题     Chinese courtesies have always been formal to follow strict rules, although sometimes Chinese people seem to be impolite according to Western norms in public places. To well understand Chinese, the following concept should not be ignored:
    Mianzi (Face): The idea of shame, usually expressed as "face", could be loosely defined as the "status" or "self-respect" in Chinese and by no means alien to foreigners. It is the worst thing for a Chinese to lose face. Never insult, embarrass, shame, yell at or otherwise demean a person, since all these actions would risk putting a Chinese in a situation that he might lose face. Neither try to prove someone wrong nor shout at him in public. In order to get a successful effect without letting a Chinese lose face, any criticism should be delivered privately, discreetly and tactfully, or else, just opposite to what you wish.


答案 尽管在公共场合,按西方标准看来,中国人有时似乎不够礼貌,但中国式的礼貌,却有它自己严格的规则。要真正了解中国人,必须重视下面这个概念: 面子:即羞耻心,中文通常称之为“面子”。其大致的意思是“地位”或者“自尊”,外国人对此也决不陌生。对中国人而言,最糟糕的事莫过于失了面子。所以,千万不要侮辱他们,使他们困窘,让他们蒙羞;也不要对他们大吼大叫,更不要去贬低他们,因为这样做都可能让中国人感到丢了面子。不要千方百计地去证明某人的错误,也不要在公共场合对他大声喊叫。为了在不损及中国人面子的情况下有效地传达意见,任何批评都应该私下进行,方式要巧妙谨慎。否则,你将事与愿违。

解析 1、本段语言正式,翻译时要注意传达原文具有的提示和劝诫功能。
2、根据汉语句子信息安排焦点后置的特征,首段第1句主句信息翻译时压尾;to be impolite according to Western norms in public places逆序译为“在公共场合中,按西方标准看来,(中国人有时似乎)不够礼貌”。
3、首段第2句的should not be ignored表达比较婉转,译为汉语肯定式“必须重视”,语气直截了当。well是副词,意为“充分地,彻底地”,这里译为“真正”。
4、末段首句的be loosely defined as可译为“其大致意思是”。loosely表示“笼统地,一般地”,如:loosely speaking“笼统地说”。
5、翻译末段第3句的Never insult,embarrass,shame,yell at or otherwise demean a person时可用“不要…,也不要…,更不要…”等短句,以加强语势,增加劝诫效果。
