A、They bear a lot of similarities. B、They are a profitable business sector. C、They cater to different customers. D、They help tak

admin2021-01-08  49

M: [1] Tonight we have a special guest from a local establishment, the Prage café. Welcome!
W: Hi! Thanks for having me on your show.
M: Thank you for joining us! So please tell us why did you decide to open a café?
W: Well, we saw the opportunity to offer something a little special and different from other establishments. Cafés certainly are very a competitive market sector. There are more than plenty in our city. [2] And we thought they are all rather similar to each other. Wouldn’t you agree?
M: Certainly yes! So how is your establishment any different?
W: Well. Simply put, we have rabbits wandering freely around the place. Our customers come in and enjoy their food and drinks, while little rabbits play about and brush against their legs. There’s no other place like it.
M: That’s amazing! How did you come up with the idea?
W: We saw other cafés with cats in them. So we thought why not rabbits? People love rabbits. They are very cute animals.
M: But is it safe? Do the rabbits ever bite people or do any customers ever hurt the rabbits?
W: It’s perfectly safe for both rabbits and our customers. Rabbits are very peaceful, and certainly do not bite. [3] Furthermore, our rabbits are regularly cleaned, and have all received required shots, so there is no health risk whatsoever. [4] As for our customers, they are all animal lovers, so they would never try to hurt the rabbits. Sometimes the young child may get overexcited and be a little too rough, but it’s never a serious matter. On the contrary, the Prage café offers a great experience for children, a chance for them to learn about rabbits and how to take care of them.
M: Well, it’s certainly the first time I’ve heard of a café like that.
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
1.What do we learn about the woman?
2.What does the woman say about cafés in her city?
3.How does the Prage café guarantee that its rabbits pose no health threat?
4.What does the woman say about their customers?

选项 A、They bear a lot of similarities.
B、They are a profitable business sector.
C、They cater to different customers.
D、They help take care of customers’ pets.


解析 浏览四个选项,根据选项中出现的similarities,profitable business sector,cater,customers等词可以推测,该题可能与某项产业有关。题干问的是女士如何评价城市里其他咖啡馆的。对话中女士说城市里有很多家咖啡馆,但她认为这些咖啡馆都很相似,故答案为A(它们都很相似)。对话中女士说咖啡馆是一项竞争很激烈的产业,并没有说很盈利,故排除B项(它们都是很赚钱的产业)。C项(它们迎合不同顾客的喜好)和D项(它们帮忙照顾顾客的宠物)在对话中并未提及,故排除。
