冬虫夏草(yartsa gunbu)是中国传统的名贵中药材。按照字面意思,冬虫夏草指的就是“冬天的虫子、夏天的草”。冬虫是一种以草根为食的毛虫(caterpillar)。在夏季,一种奇怪的植物种子在冬虫的体内生长发育直至长出冬虫的体外,这就是“夏草”。夏草

admin2015-11-30  45

问题     冬虫夏草(yartsa gunbu)是中国传统的名贵中药材。按照字面意思,冬虫夏草指的就是“冬天的虫子、夏天的草”。冬虫是一种以草根为食的毛虫(caterpillar)。在夏季,一种奇怪的植物种子在冬虫的体内生长发育直至长出冬虫的体外,这就是“夏草”。夏草在冬虫体内生长造成了冬虫的死亡。现代科学实验证明,冬虫夏草里含有的物质有助于降低血压,并且能使呼吸更加顺畅。


答案 Yartsa gunbu is a valuable traditional Chinese herb. Yartsa gunbu literally means "winter worm, summer grass". The winter worm is a caterpillar that eats roots of grass. In summer, a strange growth erupts from the winter worm’s body, appearing above the ground. This is the "summer grass". The death of the winter worm is the result of the growth of the summer grass in its body. Modern scientific tests have shown that substances contained in yartsa gunbu can contribute to lowering blood pressure and make people breathe much easier.

解析 1.在第一句中,要注意形容词的顺序,“中国传统的名贵中药材”应译为a rare/valuable traditionalChinese herb。
2.第三句中的“以草根为食的”可以用定语从句that eats roots of grass来表示。本句也可以用以and连接的两个分句来表示,即The winter worm is a caterpillar and it eats roots of grass。
3.按照字面意思,第四句可译为In summer,a strange plant grows in the winter worm’s body untilit appears above the ground,但是这样会显得呆板、不生动,不如译为In summer,a strangegrowth erupts from the winter worm’s body,appearing above the ground.
4.末句中的“有助于”可以译为contribute to,也可以用be conducive to表示。
