Everyone wants to be authentic. You want to be true to yourself, not a slavish follower of social expectations. You want to "liv

admin2022-11-16  74

问题     Everyone wants to be authentic. You want to be true to yourself, not a slavish follower of social expectations. You want to "live your best life," pursuing your particular desires, rather than falling in line with whatever everyone else thinks happiness requires. Studies have even shown that feelings of authenticity can go hand in hand with numerous psychological and social benefits: higher self-esteem, greater well-being, better romantic relationships and enhanced work performance.
    Although most people would define authenticity as acting in accordance with your own set of values and qualities, research has shown that people feel most authentic when they conform to a particular set of socially approved qualities, such as being extroverted, emotionally stable, conscientious, intellectual and agreeable. This is the paradox of authenticity: In order to reap the many of the benefits of feeling authentic, you may have to betray your true nature.
    From a psychological science standpoint, a person is considered authentic if he or she meets certain criteria. Authentic people have considerable self-knowledge and are motivated to learn more about themselves. They are equally interested in understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and they are willing to honestly reflect on feedback regardless of whether it is flattering or unflattering. Above all, authentic people behave in line with their unique values and qualities even if those characteristics may conflict with social conventions or other external influences.
    But a number of studies have shown that people’s feelings of authenticity are often shaped by something other than their loyalty to their unique qualities. Paradoxically, feelings of authenticity seem to be related to a kind of social conformity. The research also finds that people report feeling most authentic when their behavior confirms to a specific pattern of qualities: namely, when they are extroverted, emotionally stable, conscientious, intellectual and agreeable.
    So, when it comes time to actually make a judgment about our own authenticity, we may use criteria that are closer to how we judge the authenticity of an object such as food. A fruit tiramisu may be unique, but the authenticity of tiramisu is judged by its conformity to a conventional recipe. Similarly, it appears that the more we conform to social conventions about how a person should act, the more authentic we feel.
    We want to believe that authenticity will bring us benefits. It’s not surprising that businesses such as Microsoft, BlueCross BlueShield, and Gap have worked with consultants to leverage authenticity in the workplace. However, until we learn more about whether being authentic reaps the same benefits as feeling authentic, we are left with a tough decision between loyalty to our true selves and conformity to social convention.
In most people’s eyes, being authentic is________.

选项 A、acquiring what others think happiness is
B、pursuing your own values and qualities
C、having abundant mental benefits
D、conforming to socially approved qualities


解析 根据题干关键词most people和authentic可定位到第一、二段。首段第一句就提到了每个人想要变得authentic,紧接着后面说如果想要成为真实的自我,不应该做什么。第三句也提到了live your best life(活出最精彩的自己),后面跟着的pursuing your particular desire(追求自己独特的心愿)。第二段首句的让步状语从句指出most people would define authenticity as acting in accordance with your own set of values and qualities(大多数人将真实性定义为按照自己特有的一套价值观和品质行事),四个选项中选项B是其同义替换,故为正确答案。选项A“获得别人认为幸福的东西”与原文的rather than falling in line with whatever everyone else thinks happiness requires(而不是遵循世俗中人们对幸福的标准)意思相反,不符合文意,故排除;C项来自首段末尾,研究发现,真实的好处有很多mental benefits,但并非真实性的定义,故排除;D项是第二段第一句提到的研究结果,并不是题干中大多数人的观点,故也可排除。
