用英语写一篇征稿启示。 内容:在庆祝南华技术学院建校30周年纪念之际,校刊(杂志)“学生时代”决定向全校的老师、学生、退休教师以及毕业生发出“我爱母校”的征稿启示。 时间:March 15, 2005一June 31, 2005 稿件直接

admin2009-05-28  44

问题 用英语写一篇征稿启示。
   时间:March 15, 2005一June 31, 2005
Reference Words:周年纪念 anniversary;建立 founding;退休的 retired;稿件 contribution


答案Contribution Wanted To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Nan Hua College of Technology, this magazine, Students’ Times, has decided to publish a special issue with the title "I Love My School". Teachers, students, retired teachers and graduated students are warmly welcome to send in their contributions in whatever form and style. Deadline will be on June 3 l, 2005. Contributions should be sent directly to the chief editor of the magazine. The editorial board Students’ Times March 15, 2005

