
admin2018-07-31  62

问题     中国华东进出口商品交易会(简称“华交会”)是中国规模最大、客商最多、展位最广、成交额最高的区域性国际经贸盛会。由上海市、江苏省、浙江省、安徽省、福建省、江西省、山东省、南京市、宁波市9省市联合主办。每年3月1日在上海举行,为期5天。自1991年以来,华交会已成功举办了17届。第17届华交会有来自全世界117个国家和地区的逾1.85万名客商和国内10万余名专业客户到会洽谈,出口成交总额达35.52亿美元。有逾16万人次浏览了华交会网站。第17届华交会在上海新国际博览中心举行,展览面积达10.35万平方米,设标准摊位5346个,分4个专业展区(服装、家用纺织品、装饰礼品、日用消费品展区),参展企业3500余家。境外展商分别来自美国、英国、法国、日本等15个国家和地区。


答案 East China Fair (ECF) is the largest regional trade fair in China with the most traders, the greatest variety of exhibits and the most on-site deals. With an annul 5-day session from March 1st in Shanghai, ECF is co-sponsored by nine provinces and cities, namely Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong Province and two cities of Nanjing and Ningbo. East China Fair, initiated in 1991 and thereafter 17 sessions have been held successfully. The 17th East China Fair had more than 18, 500 business visitors from 117 countries and regions as well as more than 100, 000 professional customers. The export volume amounted to about 3. 552 billion US dollars. More than 160,000 persons have surfed the website of ECF. The 17th East China Fair was held at Shanghai New International Expo Center with an exhibition area of 103, 500sq m. There were four specialized exhibition areas of Fashion/Garment, Home Textiles, Art Deco Stuffs/Gifts and Consumer Goods, with 5,346 standard booths and 3,500 enterprises, Overseas exhibitors were from 15 countries and regions such as the USA, the UK, France and Japan.

