Some students at X University get professionals to clean their dorms, which has aroused wide concern in our society. Is this a g

admin2014-09-17  36

问题  Some students at X University get professionals to clean their dorms, which has aroused wide concern in our society. Is this a good new form of efficiency of just an excuse to get out of work? Please deliver your opinions on this issue. Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:
My View on Students’ Hiring Cleaners
  In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
  Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


答案 My View on Students’ Hiring Cleaners Recently a report has it that some students at X University get cleaners to clean their dorms, which brings about an intense debate.Some people regard hiring cleaners as a new form of efficiency which deserves no accusation while some others believe that it is an excuse to escape from the daily grind.As far as I are concerned, the former argument is not plausible enough for the following reasons, In the process of their achieving maturity, the most important thing for college students to do is to cultivate a sense of responsibility and attain independence.As one of the purposes of college education is to encourage a sense of responsibility in students, the use of such a service might counteract what a university is trying to accomplish. Of course time in colleges is valuable, and study is important, but there is something more significant—independence.In this regard, it should be made clear where the money used to hire cleaners comes from. If it is earned by the students themselves, surely they can enjoy such services.But the case is that most of the college students have to depend on their parents for financial support.Then how can they declare that they are growing into responsible individuals when spending their parents’ money on something that they can do easily by themselves? As an old saying goes, "If someone cannot sweep a house by himself, then he cannot conquer the world." Anyone who wants to achieve something in the future must start with the most trivial things in life.Besides, college students are not so busy that they can certainly squeeze some time to do housework. In fact, some of them spend a lot of time surfing online, chatting with friends or simply watching videos.In this case, doing housework seems more wholesome. Furthermore, some people think that hiring cleaners threatens students’ unity because it creates another differential between the haves and have-nots on campus.Some students can afford the service and some others cannot, which obviously widens the socioeconomic gap between them.Even worse, some students pay people to clean the dorm out of vanity just because all their classmates do that. This will certainly cause great psychological pressure to the students and serious financial burden on their family. In conclusion, cleaning should be done by college students themselves rather than by professional cleaners.

解析    a report has it that是常用句型,引出某个报道的内容。
   表达两种不同观点的典型句型:Some people…while some others…。”deserves no accusation为语言亮点,意为“不应受到谴责”。the daily grind为固定搭配,意为“日常工作”。
   本句使用被动语态,写作中被动语态的使用能使语言更为正式。In this regard为固定搭配,意为“在这点上”,在这里起承上启下的作用。
   squeeze time to do sth.意为“挤出时间做……”,其同义短语有steal some time to do,spare some time for sth.,find time to do sth.等等。
   differential为语言亮点,意为“差别,不同”,为可数名词。haves and have-nots意为“富人和穷人”,其同义词组为the rich and the poor。
   widen the gap为固定搭配,意为“拉大差距,扩大鸿沟”。socioeconomic意为“社会经济的”。
   Even worse起承上启下的作用,引出一个更糟的情况,其同义词组有worse still,to make matters worse,what is wore is that…等。
