Human beings are curious creatures, and in nothing more curious than in the forms of diversion which they devise for themselves.

admin2010-05-14  53

问题     Human beings are curious creatures, and in nothing more curious than in the forms of diversion which they devise for themselves. Some of these are quite comprehensible; the. y give physical or mental pleasure. Bathing in the sea, for instance; or watching a play. But, besides these simple pleasures, humanity has devised some so called amusements which seem to depend for their reputations as entertainments less on pleasing sensations inflicted on the participants than on some convention which has ordained that these pursuits shall be held agreeable. It speaks well, perhaps, for the kindliness and amiability of the human race that most such pursuits are of a gregarious nature. Assembling together; dearly we love to do this. "Neglect not the assembling of yourselves together," says (I think) St. Paul somewhere; and it was a superfluous piece of admonition. Neglect of this will never be numbered among the many omissions of mankind. Seeing one another; meeting the others of our race; exchanging remarks; or merely observing in what particular garments they have elected to clothe themselves today; this is so nearly universal a custom that it has become dignified into an entertainment, and we issue to one another invitations to attend such gatherings.


答案 人类是奇怪的东西,而最为奇怪的呢,莫过于他们为自己设想出来的消遣形式。其中有些个形式倒是可以理解的,它们给人的身体或精神带来快乐。比如说吧,沐浴在大海之中,或者看一场戏。可是,除了这些简单的乐趣之外,人类还设想出一些所谓的娱乐,它们以款待形式而出名,看来主要不是得之于给参与者所带来的快感,而是得之于某种惯例;它规定这些追求是大家认为乐于接受的。大多数这类追求具有团聚的性质,或许这就证明了人类的和睦亲善。相聚一起;我们太想相聚了。“你们不可忽视彼此之间的相聚,”圣?保罗(我记得是他)在某处说过,这是一句多余的劝告。人类有许多的疏忽,忽视相聚决不会被算作其中之一。彼此会会面,见见其他的人;交换意见;或者只是打量一下他们今天挑选了什么特别的行头来装束自己;这几乎是普天之下相同的一个风俗,乃至于已经变得堂而皇之,成为一种款待方式,于是我们相互发请帖,参加这类聚会。

解析    1.Human beings are carious creatures,and in nothing more curious than in the forms of diversion which they devise for themselves.
   2.But,besides these simple pleasures,humanity has devised some SO called amusements which seem to depend for their reputations as entertainments less on pleasing sensations inflicted On the participants than on some convention which has ordained that these pursuits shall be held agreeable.
   上句less on和than on为对应的比较项,可以作为翻译时的参照。英语多用替代手段,词汇替代一般是同义词、上义词、统称词。以上用了统称词pursuits,代替上文中amusements。译文:可是,除了这些简单的乐趣之外,人类还设想出一些所谓的娱乐,它们以款待形式而出名,看来主要不是得之于给参与者所带来的快感,而是得之于某种惯例。
   3.Assembling together; dearly we love to do this.
   英语通常避免重复,以上this指代assembling together。汉语为指代清楚,往往使用重复手段。译文:相聚一起,我们太想相聚了。
   4.Neglect of this will never be numbered among the many omissions of mankind.
   以上this指代上句中的the assembling of yourselves together,汉语为指代清楚,往往使用重复手段。译文:人类有许多的疏忽,忽视相聚决不会被算作其中之一。
   5.Seeing one another;meeting the others of our race; exchanging remarks; or merely observing in what particular garments they have elected to clothe themselves today;this is so nearly universal a custom that it has become dignified into an entertainment,and we issue to one another invitations to attend such gatherings.
   this is so nearly universal a custom中的this 分别指Seeing...today中的各项,英语要求数的一致,分别用单数形式this和a custom。汉语可以译作单数:这几乎是普天之下相同的一个风俗。也可以根据逻辑译作复数:这些几乎是普天之下相同的一个风俗。
