As writers, we are inclined by sensibility to look beneath the surface, to analyze and make distinctions. And even as we insist

admin2012-09-26  35

问题     As writers, we are inclined by sensibility to look beneath the surface, to analyze and make distinctions. And even as we insist on preserving our liberties, wherever they are threatened, we need to be conscious of, and hold on to, the freedom to make crucial distinctions, to see clearly, to think intelligently and logically, to avoid the siren songs of prejudice, ideology, nationalism, and sectarianism, of simplistic and reductive rhetoric and propaganda, regardless of their source.
    As writers, as citizens of the world, we need to remember—as Samuel Beckett said, echoing Chekhov, a century before—" in the particular is contained the universal. " This seems especially important as political extremists encourage us to think about one other not as human beings but in categories that grow, daily, at once broader and more narrow, coarser, more ignorant, heartless and brutal.
    As writers, trained to observe, we need to stay exquisitely attuned to the chasm between our own observations of reality and the lies we are being told. And as lovers and producers of literature, we cannot forget what literature continues to teach us-, that each of us is a unique entity with something—that mystery called human nature—in common that should be, for us, a bottomless well of empathy and compassion.


答案 身为作家,我们能敏感地透过表面看本质,进行分析辨别。即便是我们所坚持的自由权利受到种种威胁的时候,我们也要谨记并坚持一种自由:去伪存真、明察秋毫、深思巧辨,绕开先人之见、意识形态、民族主义、宗派主义以及简单化、一刀切的谎言与宣传设下的陷阱,不管他们师出何名。 身为作家,一个世界公民,我们要谨记“普遍寓于特殊之中”,这是剧作家塞缪尔?贝克特一个世纪前的箴言,更与俄国剧作家契诃夫的看法不谋而合。政治极端主义者诱导我们放弃从人的角度思考,而把现实的人类型化,这会使我们渐渐变得既夸夸其谈,又偏狭粗鄙、无知无情、刚愎自用,因此我们对此要特别警惕。 身为作家,我们培养了敏锐的观察力,就要懂得巧妙地弥合我们看到的现实和听到的谎言之间的鸿沟。我们爱好文学、创作文学,因此更要记住文学始终传达的道理:我们每个人都是有着普遍、相通情感的独特个体。这种情感如深不见底的水井,也就是传说中的“人性”。

解析 1.第一段第一句中be inclined指“有某方面天赋”,该句可意译为“我们能敏感地……”。look beneath the surface指“透过表面看本质”,运用增词技巧。
2.第一段第二句是个长句,由于信息量大,如果译得过于生硬,就会使译文冗长繁琐,因此要注意发挥汉语多用四字习语的特点,使句子简洁、有力。 conscious of“知道,明白”。
4.hold on to“坚持”。
5.Siren:塞壬,希腊神话中的女海妖之一,她会用美妙的歌声诱惑船只上的海员,从而使船只在岛屿周围触礁沉没,因此siren song的引申义就是“诱人的陷阱”。
7.simplistic and reductive“过分简单化的”。
10.第二段第一句中有两个专有名词,Samuel Beckett,塞缪尔?贝克特(1906~1989),爱尔兰著名戏剧作家、小说家、诗人,被公认为荒诞派奠基人之一,1969年获诺贝尔文学奖。Chekhov,契诃夫(1860~1904),俄国剧作家,短篇小说家。
11.第二段第一句中引用的名言in the particular is contained the universal是个倒装句,正常语序是the universal is contained in the particular。
14.第三段第一句中stay exquisitely attuned to指“巧妙地弥合”。chasm“裂缝,深坑”,文中指“巨大差距”。
15.第三段第二句是个长句,翻译时要调整语序。 lovers and producers of literature可以直译为“作为文学爱好者和创作者”,或进行词类转换,译为“我们爱好文学、创作文学”。
17.unique entity“独一无二的个体”。
18.empathy and compassion:empathy指“感情移人”,compassion指“同情”。两个词在此处可引申为“人类共同的、相通的情感”。
