Beauty contests are popular in many parts of the world. There are different kinds of beauty contests. Adult women’s beauty conte
Beauty contests are popular in many parts of the world. There are different kinds of beauty contests. Adult women’s beauty conte
Beauty contests are popular in many parts of the world. There are different kinds of beauty contests. Adult women’s beauty contests are the most popular and high-profile version. Meanwhile, there is a constant debate on whether beauty contests are a good thing or not. The following are opinions from different sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly the different opinions;
2. give your comment.
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Naomi: Beauty contests are patriarchal. Beauty contests promote an ideal of female beauty to which only a minority of women can realistically aspire, but which add to the pressure on all women to conform to it. This can be harmful to women by encouraging dieting, eating disorders and cosmetic surgery, or simply by making them feel inadequate and ugly by comparison to this "ideal" that is promoted. Moreover, these contests force the models and contestants to look even slimmer and perfect all the time, thus encouraging anorexia and bulimia.
Elizabeth; Beauty contests are an avenue of opportunity that women are entitled to pursue. In an environment where women are valued solely on their appearance, and in which there are more opportunities for men, beauty contests give women an opportunity to improve their situations. Winning a beauty contest can be the first step toward a successful life in the future. Many Hollywood actresses are former beauty queens, and they would not have reached their success without the beauty contests they won. In addition, the winners of high-profile beauty contests are able to publicize charities and causes they feel strongly about—they have a public platform they could not otherwise have gained.
Beauty pageants can also empower in other ways: The Miss America competition is the largest provider of scholarship assistance for women in the world; indeed it pioneered assistance for women in higher education in the 40’s and 50’s.
Pen: Beauty contests objectify women. Women in beaut)’ contests are judged on their physical appearance rather than on any other qualities they may possess (the existence of a "talent" element in many such contests is all very well, but ugly women simply aren’t going to win ). Judging women, but not men, primarily on their looks contributes to the subjugation of women because other qualities, such as intelligence, are not seen as part of ideal femininity and therefore not as things to which women should aspire.
Seth: Self defined feminists do not have the right to dictate how other women relate to their femininity. A ban is a very blunt instrument with which to attack a practice. Banning beauty contests would do little to destroy the ideal of beauty as it is prevalent in many other areas of society which are unrelated to Beauty Pageants, such as advertising, fashion and the entertainment industry. The only result of a ban will simply be to reduce the choice of women—who of course do choose to participate. Choice is fundamentally a good thing and everyone should have as many choices as possible so long as they are not limiting the choice of others.
Obasanjo: The image of female beauty promoted by beauty contests is culturally specific and western—it doesn’t matter how many Asian women win the Miss World. They can only do so if they take part in the swimsuit competition, which may well not be considered appropriate dress in their cultures. This clash of cultures has led to numerous protests, demonstrations and even violence when beauty contests are going on.
Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
Are Beauty Contests a Good Thing? Beauty, as an irresistible means to seduce, is the instinct of animals to survive because one is inclined to protect what one loves. However, what is accepted as beauty is culturally and traditionally different, and manifested in various forms, like Beauty Contests. As a matter of fact, the beauty contest has been to the detriment of both genders, male and female, in different contexts, like at school, in marriage, even in the business. Some propagandists claim that beauty competition can provide an avenue of opportunity for fame and fortune for the candidates, nevertheless, others oppose that the brutal simplification of the criteria for beauty on physical appearance has swept the female victims all over the world in the disguised form of cultural invasion as well as beauty contests. The sole ideal of female beauty on appearance beneath the beauty contest can misguide people from all walks of life regardless of their sex and age. To begin with, the young female generation at school would set their mission of life to be gorgeous enough to marry a Mr. Right, instead of devoting themselves to the intellectual pursuit, like mathematics, physics, philosophy, which requires painstaking efforts of training and discipline. It gradually generates a vicious circle, where the females in their adulthood would turn out to be incapable of competing with their counterparts, but to be subjugated to the patriarchal society. What is worse, the opposite sex, the male, also suffered especially in marriage, as he selects his Lady according to the dominating criteria of beauty, ignoring her character and intelligence. This would probably explain the soaring rate of divorce. Even in middle-age crisis out of misunderstanding and loneliness, men’s dark sides like domestic abuse, cheating, alcoholism, or depression are still prevalent in modern marriage originally based on choosing an adorable housewife. Lastly, when it comes to business, people would perceive hypocritically a lady who really has a high face score with a high IQ as a vase, and more pathetically, a lady who is a plain-Jane with a high IQ as a witch. Ultimately, it would ruin the golden match between men and women in the division of labor. All in all, as is slightly altered from Martin Luther King’s remarks, I have a dream that our children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by their appearance but by the content of their character.