Chinese experts will participate in the restoration work of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, said China’s National Cultural He

admin2021-08-19  41

问题     Chinese experts will participate in the restoration work of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, said China’s National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA). China and France will collaborate on the theme and model of the restoration, and select Chinese experts for the cooperative restoration work in 2020.
    Although the specific themes and time frame for Sino-French cooperation is yet to be formally set out, Chai Xiaoming, director of the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage, said China can not only contribute general ideas but also detailed technical plans for the upcoming renovation.
    "China has a great deal of experience in renovating ancient buildings affected by fire, especially ones made of wood," Chai tells China Daily. "This means we could offer suggestions on how to approach the renovation of the oak-framed roof on Notre Dame Cathedral. "
    The two sides will also launch science and technology exchanges and training programs on the protection of the Terracotta Warriors in the northwestern Chinese city of Xi’an, according to the document for cooperation. The Terracotta Warriors and Notre Dame are the most important symbols among the UNESCO World Heritage sites of China and France respectively. This collaboration shows our established relationship and highlights the mutual trust between the two countries. The project will greatly expand the horizons of Sino-French cooperation in terms of cultural heritage. It will set a good example to the world.


答案 国家文物局表示,中国专家将参与巴黎圣母院修复工作。中法双方将在2020年确定巴黎圣母院修复合作的主题、模式及中方专家人选。 虽然中法在巴黎圣母院修复合作方面的具体主题和时间框架尚未正式明确,不过,中国文化遗产研究院院长柴晓明表示,在修复工作中,中国在总体理念和具体的技术方案上都能提供帮助。 柴晓明对《中国日报》表示:“中国在修复火灾受损的古建筑,尤其是木制建筑方面有大量经验,这意味着我们可以在如何修复巴黎圣母院橡木结构屋顶这个问题上提供建议。” 文件还明确中法双方将就陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑保护开展科学与技术交流及培训项目。秦始皇陵兵马俑和巴黎圣母院是中法两国最重要的联合国教科文组织世界遗产。这次合作体现了双方良好的关系,突出了两国间的相互信任。 该修复项目将极大拓展中法文化遗产合作的深度,在世界范围内产生积极示范效应。

解析     collaborate on原意为“在……方面合作”,其后有两个宾语,分别为theme和model,翻译时结合中法双方合作修复巴黎圣母院项目这一语境,以及“主题”和“形式”这两个宾语,将动词collaborate的内涵具体化,译为“确定”,表达更准确地道;select chinese experts原与“collaborate on…”这部分为并列关系,但为了简化表达,令译文语言流畅简洁,翻译时将这部分处理为名词性结构“中方专家人选”,中英文的行文习惯不同,翻译时需根据实际情况对句子语序和结构进行调整。
    本文的主题阐述的是中国和法国两国间的合作,从行文风格来看也较为正式,因此our established relationship中our在这里译为“双方(的)”. 体现译文语言的客观性和式。shows和highlights同为谓语,共同表现主语,This collaboration的特征,为使译文简洁,译为“体现、突出、强调”皆可。
