新主流消费群是指年收入超过10. 6万元的消费人群。他们与传统消费者有着截然不同的消费行为,该群体更注重个人享受。购物时更注重情感诉求(emotional consideration)。另外,他们有自己喜爱的特定品牌,并且偏爱网上购物。但同时,传统消费者的

admin2023-01-30  56

问题     新主流消费群是指年收入超过10. 6万元的消费人群。他们与传统消费者有着截然不同的消费行为,该群体更注重个人享受。购物时更注重情感诉求(emotional consideration)。另外,他们有自己喜爱的特定品牌,并且偏爱网上购物。但同时,传统消费者的诸多典型特点仍然保留在这一群体身上。据预测,到2020年,新主流消费群在中国的人数将达到4亿,占据中国所有城市居民的一半以上,他们的消费模式也将代表全国普遍的消费标准。


答案 New mainstream customers refer to those with an annual income above 106,000 yuan. With totally different spending behavior from that of traditional customers, they lay more stress on personal enjoyment and take more emotional considerations into account when making purchases. In addition, they are fond of certain brands and prefer online shopping. But at the same time, many typical features of traditional customers can also be found in them. It is predicted that the number of new mainstream customers will be 400 million by the year of 2020, which accounts for more than half of city dwellers in China. Their spending modes will become the general standards all over the country.

解析     1. “新主流消费群是指……的消费人群”中的“年收入超过10.6万元”作“消费人群”的定语,可用with+名词结构表达,即with all annual income above 106,000 yuan;为了避免重复,可用those指代前面所提到的消费人群。
    2. “他们与传统消费者……”,这句话的主体为后半句“该群体注重……”,前半句可使用with引导的介词短语说明该群体的特征,使句子简洁连贯;“与……截然不同”译为totally different。from…。
    3. “喜爱”可译为be fond of;“偏爱”可译为prefer。
    4. “传统消费者…保留在这一群体身上”,“保留在…”意味着这些特征还可在这一群体身上找到,那么可意译为cart be found-m…。
    5. “新主流消费群……一半以上”,可采用which引导的非限制性定语从句米修饰核心词“4亿”。时间状语“到2020年”注意要用介词by,而不是in或to。
