假期往往是快乐与压力相伴而行。你需要陪伴家人、购买和互赠礼物、拜亲访友、享用节日大餐、打折疯狂采购、组织和参加聚会等。 回归到日常生活节奏和相对更安静的工作场所,会使你因缺乏新鲜事物的刺激而精神不振。感到有点失落是一种正常的感觉;一旦回归到日常生活

admin2018-01-04  46

I’m very happy to be invited and talk about communication pattern of different cultures. I will give my presentation based on my personal experience and observations as an American teacher in China. //
    People in every culture tend to regard the way they do things as "normal". But in regard to ways of speaking, what may seem natural to one person may be odd or misunderstood by someone outside the culture. //
    Communication patterns that cause confusion often center on indirect speech. Chinese and Americans can both speak indirectly, but their use of this speech pattern depends on many factors. //
    Context is crucial to understanding the indirect speech, such as speakers’ economic and work position in society, where they were born and have lived, and how they identify themselves in relation to themselves and others.
The holiday season is both joyful and stressful at once. There is family to get along with, gifts to buy and return, people to visit, plenty of festive food to eat, sales to rush to, and parties to plan and attend.
    Returning to the usual routine and quieter workplace can dampen your spirits just by the absence of exciting things to do. It is normal to feel a little low and that feeling will soon pass once the routine re-establishes itself.
    After the many indulgences over the holiday period, it can leave you feeling a little out of shape. Having healthy food and keeping up regular exercises will enhance your mood and help you return to good shape.
    If you’re worried about not keeping warm enough during the colder weather, such excellent choices as healthy, chunky, hot soups or vegetables will both warm and fill you up without carrying lots of calories.


答案 假期往往是快乐与压力相伴而行。你需要陪伴家人、购买和互赠礼物、拜亲访友、享用节日大餐、打折疯狂采购、组织和参加聚会等。 回归到日常生活节奏和相对更安静的工作场所,会使你因缺乏新鲜事物的刺激而精神不振。感到有点失落是一种正常的感觉;一旦回归到日常生活,就会很快走出阴影。 在假期的尽情放纵之后,你的身材可能有些走形。良好的饮食和有规律的运动会让你保持好心情,并帮助你恢复体型。 如果你担忧寒意渐浓的天气,健康而暖和的浓汤或蔬菜就不愧为很好的选项。你会觉得饱暖,也不用担心过高的热量。

