Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may tak

admin2019-09-22  105

问题    Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear each passage only once. Now, let’s begin.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
   Today, more than 95 percent of Asians live in middle-income countries, compared to less than 10 percent 20 years ago. This remarkable shift was mainly driven by rapid economic growth in China, India, and Indonesia and other Asian countries. The challenge you face now is: Can Asia, which is largely a middle-income region, make a successful transition to high-income status? The experience of other developing countries in the last 50 years suggests this will not be easy. Brazil and Colombia have remained middle-income countries for decades without being able to move up further. Yet the transition of Singapore from a middle to a high-income country in only 25 years shows that it can be done.
   Investing in infrastructure remains critical as countries transition from middle to high income. But countries attempting this transition must make greater efforts to boost productivity growth; they should make more efficient use of inputs rather than simply increasing inputs. Over the past five decades, productivity growth has accounted for almost 30 percent of economic growth for those countries that transitioned to high income status. To boost productivity, Asia’s middle-income countries should focus on increasing innovation, developing high-quality infrastructure, and enhancing human capital. Innovation has become more important as an economy advances. Innovation creates more products and increases their value, which leads to higher productivity and better wages.
   Enhanced human capital, which means building a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce, is fundamental for an advanced economy. High quality human capital spurs growth and promotes equity. A recent study shows that a 20 percent increase in human capital spending can boost productivity by 3 percent and narrow the income gap by 4 percent. Middle-income countries have an average of just 6 years of schooling. They therefore need to close the education gaps with high-income countries, which average more than 10 years at school. But even more important is the quality of education. In math and science tests, 15-year-old students in advanced countries outperform those of middle-income countries. Students with strong abilities in reading, writing and solving problems are more likely to become innovators. There is a direct linkage between increase in funding for education and growth in GDP.
   Different countries prioritize different types of infrastructure. Low-income countries focus first on meeting such basic needs as water supply, public health and transport. As their economies grow, they attach more importance to electricity supply and information technology. Information technologies promote innovation by creating and spreading knowledge. Middle-income countries with more internet users do better than other middle-income countries in terms of innovation. By increasing investment in information technologies, countries can boost innovation and productivity, thereby lifting incomes.
   To encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, the Asian countries should also promote intellectual property protection and rule of law, better access to financing, and effective policies to encourage competition. Asia also needs to invest a total of $26 trillion from 2016 to 2030 in infrastructure so that it can ease the impact of climate change. To meet the needs, Asian countries should increase public funding through tax reform, change spending structure and borrow prudently. But funding shortages will remain. To address this issue, Asian countries should attract private foreign investment by improving their investment climate. They should forge partnership with private investors and offer higher returns to them. Let me conclude with this remark: Asia has already come so far so quickly. Joining high-income countries through sustained growth can be done. It’s the next natural step.


答案女士们,先生们: 当今,有95%以上的亚洲人生活在中等收入国家中,而20年前,这一比例不到10%。这一令人赞叹的转变主要归功于中国、印度、印度尼西亚和其他亚洲国家的经济迅速发展。你们现在面临的挑战是:亚洲已经基本上是一个中等收入地区,它能否成功转型为高收入地区?从其他发展中国家过去50年的经历看,难度很大。巴西和哥伦比亚作为中等收入国家几十年了,一直没能再往上走。然而,新加坡在短短25年内就从中等收入国家迈向高收入国家,证明这能够做到。 基础建设投资对于各国经济从中等收入迈向高收入仍然至关重要。但是,要转型,各国必须更加努力,提高生产力。它们应当不仅仅增加投入,而是应该更有效地使用投入。在过去50年中,那些成为高收入的国家,几乎30%的经济增长得益于生产力的提高。为了提高生产力,亚洲的中等收入国家应当重视创新、建设高质量的基础设施,并提高人力资本。随着经济发展,创新日益重要。创新能够产生更多的产品,并增加其价值,而这将提高生产力和工资。 加强人力资本意味着建设一支富有技能和知识的劳动力队伍,而这对一个发达经济体是极其重要的。高素质的人力资本能够刺激增长,促进公平。最近的一份研究表明,人力资本支出增加20%,可以使生产力提高3%,使收入差距缩小4%。中等收入国家人均受教育年限仅为6年,它们因此需要弥合与高收入国家在教育方面的差距,后者人均受教育年限超过10年。但更重要的是教育质量。发达国家15岁的学生在数学和科学测试中的表现胜过中等收入国家的同类学生。读、写和解决问题能力强的学生更可能成为创新者。增加教育投入和GDP增长两者之间有着直接联系。 不同国家对发展基础设施有不同的侧重。低收入国家首先重视解决供水、公共卫生和交通运输等基本需求。随着经济的发展,这些国家更加重视供电和发展信息技术。信息技术通过创造和传播知识而推动创新。使用互联网人数较多的中等收入国家与其他中等收入国家相比,在创新方面表现更加突出。通过加大对信息技术的投资,各国可以加强创新,提高生产力,从而增加收入。 为了鼓励创新和创业,亚洲国家也应当加强知识产权保护和法治,拓宽融资渠道,并实行有效的政策,鼓励竞争。为了减少气候变化的影响,亚洲在2016至2030年间需要在基础设施方面投资26万亿美元。为了满足这一需求,亚洲国家应通过改革税收、改变支出结构和谨慎举债来增加公共资金投入。但是资金短缺的问题仍将存在。为了解决这个问题,亚洲国家应该通过改善投资环境吸引外国私人投资。它们应该和私人投资者结成伙伴,并给他们更高的回报。在结束讲话时,我想指出,亚洲已经迅速取得了如此快的发展。通过保持持续发展进入高收入国家行列是能够实现的,是顺理成章的一步。

