
admin2022-09-27  78

问题 中国是诗歌的国度。尤其到了唐代,中国古典诗歌进入全盛时期(heyday)。唐代近300年间,涌现出了大批优秀诗人和杰出的诗歌作品。唐代诗歌数量极大,题材广泛,意象(image)和风格多样,出现了大量思想性和艺术性完美结合的作品。唐诗是中国人的千古绝唱,唐代的伟大诗人不胜枚举,其中李白、杜甫、王维因其诗歌所蕴含的中国文化的意味和情趣而最具代表性。


答案China is a country of poetry. Especially in the Tang Dynasty, Chinese classical poetry reached its heyday. During the nearly 300 years of the Tang Dynasty, large numbers of excellent poets and outstanding poems mushroomed. Poetry of the Tang Dynasty featured large quantities, extensive themes and diversified images and styles, and many masterpieces with perfect combination of great thoughts and artistry emerged. Poetry of the Tang Dynasty is a Chinese eternal legacy. Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei are the representatives of numerous great poets of the Tang Dynasty due to the meaning and temperament of Chinese culture in their poems.

解析 1. 第二句中,“进入全盛时期”可译为reached its heyday。
2. 第三句中,“涌现”可译为mushroomed,形象而生动。
3. 第四句中,翻译“唐代诗歌数量极大,题材广泛,意象和风格多样”时可以使用动词featured来说明唐诗的这些特点。feature意为“以……为特色”。
4. 第五句中,“千古绝唱”可以意译为“不朽的遗产”。译为eternal legacy。
