不徇私情之秘 加拿大总理之养子犯法,法院秉公判决,不徇私情,加国总理亦大义灭亲,绝不施加任何影响,全由法院做主。消息传出,某市老干部议论纷纷,皆以为他山之石可以攻玉也。偏一现职干部妙语惊人: “人家是资本主义国家。儿子成年后即独立生活,无赡养父母

admin2013-05-19  38

问题                             不徇私情之秘
    加拿大总理之养子犯法,法院秉公判决,不徇私情,加国总理亦大义灭亲,绝不施加任何影响,全由法院做主。消息传出,某市老干部议论纷纷,皆以为他山之石可以攻玉也。偏一现职干部妙语惊人:  “人家是资本主义国家。儿子成年后即独立生活,无赡养父母之责,故父母亦不愿再袒护儿女也!”


答案 Explanation for No Favoritism The adopted son of the Canadian Prime Minister broke the law, and the Canadian court of justice, showing no favoritism, gave him the punishment which was his due. On his part, the Canadian leader, placing laws above paternal affection, refrained from exercising any influence and left the matter entirely to the court. When the retired officials of a certain city in China read about the news, they couldn’t help commenting admiringly: "This should be an object lesson for us!" One official still in office, however, surprised everyone with this wonderful explanation, "Theirs is a capitalist country. Children come of age all live independently from their parents and are not duty-bound to support them. That’s why they are reluctant to help their children out."

解析     本篇选自《报刊文摘》,作者海啸。原文共3句话,译成英文时宜独立成段。除了“妙语惊人”这一反语,作者未做任何评论。微型小说描写的是中国大陆最新的社会现象,但使用的语言属于带古味的当代标准汉语,全文读来发人深省,又不乏趣味。
不徇私情之秘:  “不徇私情”如译为“not be swayed by personal considerations”,文章题目会显得过于冗长。“favoritism”表示“(无原则或不公正的)照顾、偏袒”,与文章意思相吻合。  “秘”如译为“secret”也不合适。“the secret of”表示“……的秘诀”如:  “the secret of success”。文章是对该现职干部对加法院的判决做了绝妙的解释,故译为“explanation for…”。
法院秉公判决,不徇私情:  “秉公判决”表示动作,  “不徇私情”表示原因,故“不徇私情”可用现在分词,表示“秉公判决”的原因。这里的“秉公”与“不徇私情”是同义重复。“判决”指“判决有罪,惩罚犯法者”。所以,译作:“…the Canadian court of justice,showing no favoritism,gave him the punishment which was his due.”。
大义灭亲:按照《现代汉语词典》,  “大义灭亲”是指“为了维护正义,对违反国家人民利益的亲人不徇私情,使受法律制裁。”根据上下文,这里表示“置法律于父爱之上”,建议译为:  “place laws above paternal affection”。
议论纷纷:可褒可贬,此处是一片赞扬声,故译作:  “…they couldn’t help commenting admiringly”。
他山之石可以攻玉也:object lesson:an event or story that shows you the right or wrong way of doing something(有教育意义的榜样或实例)。用在此处非常合适。建议译为:“This should be an object less on for us!”。
偏一现职干部妙语惊人:  “离职”是“be out of office”。  “现职”是“in office”。“妙语惊人”在此处是动宾结构,故译为:“One official still in office,however,surprised everyone with this wonderful explanation…”。
故父母亦不愿再袒护儿女也:因为是口语体,用词应该比较口语化,可以使用“help sb.out”表示“搭救某人脱离困境”,即袒护儿女。
