柳州位于广西壮族自治区(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)中北部,是广西最大的工业城市,也是全国闻名的老工业基地(old industrial base)。20世纪50年代,国家在柳州布局了柳州钢铁厂等10个重点工业项目。历

admin2015-08-31  50

问题     柳州位于广西壮族自治区(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)中北部,是广西最大的工业城市,也是全国闻名的老工业基地(old industrial base)。20世纪50年代,国家在柳州布局了柳州钢铁厂等10个重点工业项目。历经近半个世纪的发展,当初的10个工厂如今都有长足的发展,而柳州的工业基础也日益深厚,完成了“柳州制造一柳州创造一柳州智造”三次历史性转型,向着打造传统产业“百年老店”的目标迈进。实践证明,传统产业不是因循守旧的代名词(synonym),打造传统产业的百年老店,需要给它们注入新的生机与活力。


答案 Liuzhou, the biggest industrial city in Guangxi and nation-famous old industrial base, is located in north-central Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In the 1950s, the central government set up 10 major industrial projects such as Liuzhou Steel Plant in Liuzhou. After nearly half a century of development, the 10 plants have grown greatly and the industrial basics of Liuzhou are getting better. The three historic transformations, from Liuzhou Manufacture to Liuzhou Creation and then to Liuzhou Innovation have finished. Liuzhou is now striding forward to the goal of creating the "century-old shop" of traditional industries. Practice has proved that traditional industry is not the synonym of lockstep. New vigor and vitality should be injected to create the "century-old shop" of traditional industries.

